Western Mail from Cardiff, South Glamorgan, Wales (2024)


DISTRICT NEWS. suTT I vibitation op the bishop OP ST. DAVID'S. for his shrewd tad end business acumen I MICHAELMAS QUARTER SESSIONS. DEATH OF SIR DANIEL GOOCH.

BRILLIANT CAREER OF A TREDEGAR APPRENTICE BOY. I htnband keep the White Hart at Heath, and pifr i loner lodged with them. They want out togithsr on tlie day in question, and when they returned prisoner eald two men bad got into the houee through the window, end had taken something from upstair. They had etruok him, end ha had followed them money waa so. Fulling uebend sera etude to into ouatody.

The prisoner (till ADDRESS AT HAVERFORDWEST, GLAMORGANSHIRE. Michaclmu Saw loti, for the county ndon of opinion we should be on(y doing our referring the ceee to the asetass. AuaoxB assault coas a xoecos. Slhnbcth 8mlih, a woman of id-fame, waa Indicted for assaulting Jolin Will lame, tailor and draper. New Tredegar, with intent to rob him of hie watch, at Brecon, on the 30th of Auguit last Mr.

Daniel Bvani (under-eberiff) wee instituted to defend. Mr. Beane, however, after a private ooo-eultaiion with the chairmen, bended the brief over to Mr. J. F.

Lloyd-J on es. Tha Jury found the prisoner not guilty, and iha waa acquitted. This concluded the burineee of the leeelou. Tha of GRAND OPERA AT CARDIFF. CARMEN.

Bx "ZXTUS." There ere msienrhnly sseerietionigrUh the opera "Carman." Blest, its composer, wrote many thiege before "Carman," bnt all were more cries failures. It would seem, however, that hie pass-wring nature was mutually to ha rewarded, mainly oontribniad to raise the com- pany from an almost bankrupt condition I to one of flourishing pronarity. Inl873theshex- boldere, fully apprealatlng nil able conduct of (heir affaire, presented Min with MOO gnlnme to pardase a eervloe of plate In acknowledgment thereof, Blr DanM Gooch wee married twfo firsty in 1888, to Margaret, daughter of the Into Mr. Hasuy Tanner, Ire whea he had issue and again, ia Emily, daughter of tho late Ur. M70, to Emily, daughter of the i-eiC.

31 Okmrjun wen opensd at the Town hall, I through the window. 1 Swansea, on Tussday. At the ttaoMotioa of the dwiK hUl, for he heacd thm 1 W8ra prfl0Ot Mr. j. o.

to ilnfl the pane and cm.y. the hi I couu'y business tlim were preient He also eald the CARDIFF, Ir ootrera, nsoecury (hilt tram ways should bs rswonstraotsd from time to time, and some ta-eraverieuoe must be sxpeettd' vrbQs each work is proeetdiog; but is itnot passible ttuA tto woric may be dons more expeditfoosiy than it now is hr Butewtrastf There are many psopls who think that It is, and that the inooaverisoc might be greatly minimised. At present Vahids have to rate devious routes through Tiger Bay tad other THIRD EDITION. Wrenm Mato Omc, 4.30 THE CRONIN MURDER. further "conspirators ARRESTED.

START REVELATIONS. rixa nuruuns. PHILADELPHIA, Uos'Dir. me inquiry into the conspiracy for writ; the Cv rotPiiU the Cronin fury ie aaeuming larger The Bishop of flb Davids eommeuesd hie triennia visitation of his diocoss at Haverfordwest on Tuesday. The service waa bald atm.

Thomaafo Church at eleven a.ra, and opeoed with singing 'Game, Holy Ghost, oar eoulsiniplr" wldch ws ommunlon Servloe end I Fowler (In the chair), Ida Honour Judge Gwilym I Williams and Hr. 0. H. Jonca (vice-chairmen), aa-rjgjvsi-a tsrsa opra tberexMaroi voUri for FSrilamsatiuyriaetioas, ifirfSfSjSS-SSgiSLgileBainiaTbhiBiast and greatest effort waa pro-Burdon, of Hcrwood. He wu a prominMt Free-1 Hi'ton reed th w.

gpi.ti. I duced in Peris. and sooeed a euceess which soon iptoauneat ne Hilton read the Gasp, Ceoon Benin the Adetfo, dunM la soored a nereis which soon cxirwdlnBfj dtbflNf but Its uobibilitf MoweTj. tT Vurwei HV'ita k' SMtaniiwynll the Jury fooid him W.Boeer. W.J.Lewb.J.

G. Ball, J. Powell, B. "nUnwi Rfotards W. Hunter, Felix Webber, Herbert I uaonUa' herd labour.

flveadsd aororr. John Dewsbury, 83, groom, waa indicted for T. Phillip, J. C. Yye-Psrminter, und G.

B. Sirluk, obtaining by false pretmoee from George Bldd sad GhaaaaUor FWllljrind Mr. UnehaU, ofwtl- 304 r's UHrio, sasistodt tilt oslebratfon. Mr.W. A 1 month after lie tntradnoMon deafo ended the wend, and afore nn.to.

pi-s I oompotsrs Uhotm, eo th although stlasteuo- Ha undesirable localities ia order to raws between the woriTof Docks and tbs town. When 1 ud too maw nil would apply to monMpsi slwtloa bkOMatayiwUiaM If viuifl waa mil of tha beteeghTtoeeareetiwe, who rwtda iattasbadasm houRounot bars any right to veto la Uis clnsm- ststid. of Zaadlsnt Inonlqr uscaoiary tha corporation should ma lint It hi completed with all possible despatch. tViwther cacsful, to wu not permitted to enjoy ttoir fruits. Corona understood to to ve had 1 msnees than ell Webers and Wagners anlsh in tons Bare Bamb-ffto (Besson) does notralaUto PRESENTATION TO MR.

AND MRS. GILBERTSON, OF PONTABDAWE. Of the whole of the Swaneea Valley, Pan tarda wa is undoubtedly the most thriving and prosperous part, and the majority of the people resljing ln the diarriet am employed at one or the other of tbs tin-plate works of which Mr. Arthur I Colonel FmuUan, Dr. Davies, and General Benson.

a reddle belonging tn Mr. Woodward, butcher, nrooortiocs. The special grand jury havo tx tsassitios stats. I Swansea He eedsd gullly, end wn seatancsd fJtfDud Joseph Konen, a fruit dealer, who The Chmx of the Piucx sold tivit tin Commie-1 to ihrce mouths hard labour. Seed to eo on the Jury for a bribe ot lflOO h0v agrecu 4 Ji I vleltation uf Vernon Houee Lunatic Asylum re- jdllfllli AIVM8EB WO AOljMl 8lw loDviSCO I mat-aJ hw (Iia iVnalw AnuaMnnOMl A PECULIAR CASE V8051 BRIDGEND.

I viaitation uz vornoa noun. i.unauo yium re- i mra er rmortea I unaffected by tho County Government I looaxnitaixu a couenii xoxr, follars. fievenagh a taunt bat to sunuL wteMoesoparimri ihatouMwttboubahicreqrii raqrind Inltletsd In 1880 at one dagno after another. lilri and Bucklnghsmahlrv, and Grandmaster of I THE Boy Arch liaenue of the earns provbtea. Be I The BUhop of ta Dens'S, la bis wse dputyJieutnant and Juettoe of tlw peace I address, expressed thankfnlasee that at tfaseom-foc InUha Sir Denial Gooch eras ai Trades Union Oommlssionar, end montioa of inis 1 wee iuii speren wtia unuanx strangtu eo eonemu 1 lire, wee, however, them reminds us of aa incidaot wliioii Shows the oow-hle wosfo whiriv ardoous and anwone aa ft tod I tfanuA the critical Puiatan aidaredon in which be was bold by those who knew been, tod at all times been foil of Interest andjfo regarded aa him.

Within rcosnt years a dUpute nearly arosa I wu no less ao new than at any formas Utna. I between the Gnat Western Bailway Company and I Be trusted that not even the dssp interest which I but. like Da smployfs and a sarkmi strike Was au hut I be fait in for lew any lower consideration, that whatever thnatnad. Sir Daidal was, bowsvsr, able to would indoos him to retain It, ory at all sventa, to it on without active assistance, when to waa fog of we iodine right further, right, Wagner nee further, mpliMting oaten-1 Act. The further question tlien aroee as to the I Jolin Lloyd, 38, labourer, wae charged wiih effect tut the I email expeuee annually incurred, wlilch lmd 1 obtaining by false prarrnces from Thames John Hughes tlw euta of 2118 18'.

the mooeye of lm mi uwi small expense going on for hitherto-Men discharged at the Michaelmas it The mosio mneh that ia srratfo, tbs ecore reveals to theeonvictino to a trained aerie and throws awn the and throws awn to have made confessions Jan la' couukI, to the conspiracy ha been two weeks, that a code of signals 1 Quarter Beeaion. The bill had been pasted by 1 1 1 were informed of the statue oT talumun Hm wmark RrpIled Uhi MlnrJ, Bnd who had been corrupted, end that several who expenses of the dark of the peace until such salary had been oorrupted were examined and was fixed under the new Avt. EllwtbeOi Lloyd, with intend to defraud, at Bridgend, on the But of July. Mr. Arthur Lewie prosecuted.

Tide earn wet a somewhat peouHer one. The proeecutiix ia a widow living at Pout n-mmer, and prisoner, bar seend lived with liar. Mr. Hughs, Bridgend, wee eommiafionod to debt of 122 which was owing to her. The pil- an sod.

Zt would te ntf Inoamarisot and unjust if atonjnotlwmsjwqutoto to put an sad utba integrity and th' equity of hfr judgmentJW eouone Mat hls aueagth waa bo fooger equal to I SyediW 81181112 thsttaStoUm recognised tbormqftily by the men a by tbelitt When ha spoke of Ha strength being equal to I bis work to a dfreotoro. That aueh truss ws Me work of Me dtansse he wtstod to understood 1 open. After rdUL Da reposed In him by men end masters alike of th I to ipeek of that work eeeosdliig to the standard foremost place In 4to "Flewt" "Osrmen" ooma 1 ie aitarnatelr amorous end snnel a a end Tuesday night when it wae given at Theatre it ia lUMlies to or Gaisxkxbs. On ToesJsj evening a masting 4 tto QirimsuT Society wss hrid at ttw Stua Bibbnn Coffee Tavern, Quaen-etrasr. when an inrtmotivs paper oa the cul tare of (ho cyclsmsn wu zetd by Mr.

Qua, of Gw Cardiff tisstla. A spirited dlscusrion followed. Ttw chair wu occupied by Mr. Lewis. Doxahon THxIxnuuJtr.

Iha sscreterv to th Cardiff Infirmary tog to acknowledge die receipt of a cheque for 5 towards tlu fond oC the institution reetiviid from Mr. R. R. Whftst the secretary uf ibe Cardiff United Club. Flex xv a BooKsnnm'S Sxof fmottly after o'cluok uu Tuaaday tire was dls-to have bioken out in roam the third floor of Filet's in- nrisw in 81.

Jbhn-suest, and used-hy Mr. LeegfiMw a bookbicdsr's shgu The Iwsd-eoustshl (Mr. MdCsnsU) and the brigade were quickly 00 tee and the hose having teen brought to 'waiiq xe was extinguished ox about tvautf ninafitx. The outbreak ooourted in a room where a lot of book dbevipgs vrere stored. The dsmsga tens, thanks to tto prompt action of tto oompsmtivriy small, A Qnu Bomren.

Chnlas Xawmsn, agrd frq lirisg with hla psunts at Ns. 1 tmtosusey was siaiilri into tlw Inflynsaryon Tussday 1 Tim Mile were passed accordingly. Mr. A W. Llewellyn, Baglan, and Mr.

E. B. Daniel GUberteoa Is principal a leader and valoa ading neighbourhood, and it it wet full 1 for him in return, A tspreianting all 0 lasses, with Mr. D. jia aa ebainnan, and Messrs.

Gomar John F. Davlea Joint secretaries. A cum of over 200 was soon subscribed and Mr. GUbertson Informed of it, and consulted aa to form the presentation should take. Ha expressed a wish that tubular belli Mould be obtained placed in AU Batata1 Church, which was erected him a few yean ago to the memory of fattier.

With the anrpiue en Ulumteated address was prepared, and brood, set obtains diamonds wae obtained for Mrs. Gilbertson In accepted by the defence, end afterwards challenged peremptorily by the State, who doubted them. The investigation oontinues. Lath. Six men have now been indicted.

John were elected of visitors to to supply vacancies in the committee ewer on the day the money was received by Mr. the Vernon Uouea Asylum. I Hughes called on him, nnd, representing himself as being autborieed by tlw sconn on muaut rout, 1 n. Mr, J. T.

D. referred to a report of 1 BaoP.aI,.""a.fy? eh. m.wu.1 went back to hie eoudne houe aud atwwad tome auditor, whicli nointed out that thi'nidl TCWD wko todno primed knowledge of a I a magnificent sddlencs, it proved es popuisr MdlleuZdie da Lusaen pourtreyed the who had no premes which eppeered to to doomed to salvor. 1 wfaich to was so long I which at prsesnt generally prevailed. There I petbetlo.

ie surelr totterindL I were theories, ot episoepal 1 pt hie character then eny oemmsnt wecoald 1 eamag those add to ft. I biatopk work One jiorinU is from a pbotogndi by Mr.j Ineritdiiippjtotme Any from giriag antboritattva owinew ii.wrf. fl body 0 educated men.menyof whom weseet various nrMtv leato as wad eutitled by ablUty, jtKtgmaiit, and 1 Twu experience to deliver counsel to bimaw, ot exhort there to reel and diligence fully Ms equals la those points' On Lto Cardiff much articulation Smbuu, a dork in tho ofBoo of Ir A. I the Frudo, oonneo! for Alexander Sullivan, hag Itrates had power to devote ons-balf the AncTTi I 7 bailiSs, Ilankt fiicted for drunkenness to the police superaanua-1 been arrested. Tho indicted bailiffs, 1 ig W.

8. (Ckrawrilwa) that bawUfiaqakatli (- mam of too clianmifiwas st ttw aa tkaaba bu taforeud ns, aod uwa bars ao means of obtaining this iupt through a loaa string at qua Hon in this ariuma. wMabpmtafoy ha ariri art amwsr folly, tat whwhaaa twisted and ansvarsA at oa Intscriaw wltteut mask tmoMa, wa think Ma tart sounswouldta to osll uponsssUsitnr without forth sr drier." Tto slafomsat sent to is too satmaedinsry to ta foksn Cm (ranted wlUunt foil Invtfonloa. Bis monad latter mmnrhrt inonnm tiw diasaUymmteA ta tha dnh Acting wa But stsnte" ran pmw to tbs of tlw Jnda tha (tat stated ui his latter. aa ordar In Ms fovoar a matem at ttoaffstr1 l1A lun 11 110 ritedUkstty Kuna a fiinvAXi 1 tenonmns" (Monmouth) might bava known Hist hs engirt to 1 of ora ns th forts apoa arhkh hawishm natoadvinhiaii If ho will do to wswlliidvlio as to lilsous.

tat Mnaot Burl Lhoapsot fora trestlw opoo ttetbnnehof the Inr. tha dismissal wafer mlasandnsk Uwcamat sign maid bs irtfNted. uid Salomon, as well as Kavanagh, were I toa fund, a mowd ttiat a py of the report I xamiued by (he grand jury. It ia reported tUw I AberystwtUu in au.warto that they have made a fall confession to tho by Ur7 Llewelyn woe by no means srar one. As ary acknowledging the conspiracy.

he want away, again tin he was In custody. via, Bridgeud, recelvi-d AMrystwItli. In aneuer to gave oil the money to gnve him bock 00, In the bank in Bridgend manoarismi. She was noeessful in moat respect. There dash about her singing, and might to much dearer, but the ng and Hie part) although at fire both acting bus said It was hli own.

Tiio next and hs did nat aea him PuKcs-sergcant prboner into euitody the chare, lie sail I Mrs. Lluyd, and which he in hie own namo that be afterwards took ont the money, and "last it all with the women in Cardiff." Prisoner no said be lost part of the money before he went home, and lbs prosecutrix, wlw wanted to marry him, sent the polios after In erom Vice-cl examination by the chairman, the prosecu rsongnition of her great kindness to tin poor of Iha district. The presentation was mads at QUnrhyd ob Mendayevaning on bahalf of the subscribers S' Mr. D. H.

Hopkins to Mr. and by r. Daviee, ireranooger, to Mrs. GUbertson. Addresses were delivered by tlw' Bev.

Godfrey Wolfo, theBsv. Mr. Dsvii (Tabernacle), Mr. G. T.

Bvani (solicitor), and olhsri, nftsr which Mr. and Mrs. Gilbertson suitably replied. have tfasir use. pzevldad thsy were undsrUkan in 1 fori eg bumble seU-dlstruat sad 1 into ringing appeared miliar laboured.

Ae JficJutua, a I MR. PARNELL AND THE CASE. JUCTKa'i TXUdBAX.l NEW YORK, Tuksust. I n'mngtstrate o( iny years standing, he might lay I it iua been con.ldereJ for some time. It bad been cost, and he of tue court a custom to inflict a fine including I thought it would hardly be the dot I to suggest to the magistrate to Inf Much regret will to experienced generally at the death of Sir Daniel Gooch, which took pises on Tuesday afternoon at Ms reddest) Cfower Park, near Windsor.

Tlw md event was no however, unexpected, as the deceased gentlemen tod been ailing seriously for some weeks. The cense of death wu primarily rheumatic gout. Blr Daniel wu best known as chairman of the Great Western Hallway Company, from the administration of which magnificent concern he win be sorely mlsesd. Blr Daniel Gooch, Bart (XE was1 tom In ot a fine end Father O'Reilly, treasurer of tho National I eoets to add to the income, any. It would be and John Atkinson, the Irish leader, 1 interfering with the discretion of lbs tu igis mve started for England to confer with Mr.

Iroum cast iarutU on tho Croum case. interfering with the tratae. Mr. Lion and Ur. UrcntR put questions as to the of reduce coeti wldcli ing from eevnre bums about tha body and ta-'.

oaueadby hia nigbtatiht toccmlag ignltad va: watching ac eld sr brother lighting tha Are. TxxBsv. CL J. Thompson, vicar of St. Jdr left Cardiff on on a milt to Boms.

Mb. Willow. Bvbmov Dartwr, Comultefc ansssrs; Oronp of tha Sriagates. lnaludlnjr Mr. and tea.

FUmsoIl. ptonounetdhyaflaopb-rateabyGsteH Faopls riisfiirisrteii. Tha QaeewrtsmB Cardiff. Brim ptrOopvSs. aaab.

MW Vow OraK-Aw-tour Oimpstitivn Art Fahi Hifen ri BatoHngs andjfmauws (under rito fawned SSiSSRSS aSt evaut whatever might bo thouit advisable as to I peasant rirl, an acquaintance of JmL Miss Kate tiMrKentlonofthecuitom.lie trustedthat be should brew wu most estiifoctoiv. 8he sang with refreshing tenderness end purity. Mr. Orotty, of course, mads perfect EtckmilU. Hie oonoeplion of the toreador song aesmed extravagant, though.

Mr. Aynslay Cook aa Dancalrt ie etili active, and Mr. W. Etooud as Me servant Bnaserfmfo wae appropriately curious. petsnt band.

Tlw naelii piaos carefully given as on Monday. A favourable criUoiam is thettooaue to grow indifferent. The orchestra, wldch "Gbrman Is subservient to the vocri portions, was again a potent agency. The articulation waa not attims in position with waa were grateful to the stagy for ito tconbl 1 tlw wind Instruments. IN power magistrates to fotnetimH bore hardly on a defendant.

Mr. Fbwuw aaid he thought the scale depended on the local nothority and not the court. He woe In tlu habit of reducing costa whea lie tlwuglit it necessary. I buhrtMffaiM With MrLiojd. bS1 OSm I tta hB t00" a6ln-f- Un wislied him to the hi hie HOLY SNATCHERS AMERICA.

RITUALISM AT CARDIFF. to tux nsrroB or xxx "wssmur 81s, I wu greasy grievsd when reading your valuable paper this morning to sea tto deuce forwarded to you by tbs Bev. shall, la tiw first place, I ask whttrighlbu from Blukheath to find fault with tiw services at da monitor to su the common- to you by tbe Her. J. vTU ar- uk whstrigblhs apsrsor.

K-'-J -1- IMPORTANT PROPERTY SALE AT CARDIFF. At tbs Mount SinsrtHotol, Bute Dock, Cardiff, I nrumbl.nd. Be on 'rasadsy afternoon, Mr. Lewis Got twain (of the received bis early general education from lb vicar firm of Gottwalta and Bowring, auctioneers, I of a neighbouring pariah. Most of hie leisure ns a Cardiff) conduntod one of the moat, successful aelas waa leant at the hrn iieuwofks in of property that has ten held in Cardiff AvTrtty ud for publlcn- wn or at ooUierie.

belonging to hUeourius 1 Hera ho bream familiar with fur year. ill comprised a portion of the estate of the 1 the Longbrtdgea CONSERVATISM IN SOUTH GLAMORGAN. iUMTSION AT OOEDMGLAN PARK. SPEECH BY SIR MOCGAN MORGAN. On Tue iday svenfog the memtore of the Upper Bebitatien of th Primrose La social evening at Ooedriglan Fart where they were most kindly eotnt eased by Mr, tkahsme.

Hind been arranged that the gathering snould to told at Prtersloii but the dangerous illness of the daughter of the Beoior of Prsmton-super-Ely prs-onted this. Mr. Traherne then, with greet good nature) Undly pieced the pavilion at Otodriglan Fork at the dispose) of tbu baMiation, aud toss, despite Indemsnt weather, a most enjoyable ra-unlon wae held. Tea was served from five to seven o'clock to about 500 members of tha habitation and frianda: Amongst thuaa present were Mrs. Traherne, Hr 3L Morgen, Alderman Waring, tlw Bev.

J. Hneett Jones and Mix Jones, Mr. end Mrs. Tudor Craw shay, Mr. and Mrs.

Chriatia. l(r. and Mrs. Howell (Alvas Fkrm, Mr. T.

Watts (Drape), Mr. Bearie (8r. Hlciiohi), Mr. Evans (Broadway), and Mr. Tho mu.

After tea Sir M. Morgan drilvrred 1 politteal speeafo Alderman Waring presiding for tha time being) The Cxuxiuv, fo a fow welLcboien words. EMERSONS AH ULL' TO REMOVE BODY. pwilinn a diareh 800 mills away from Us paririk Ttw tiirea aggrieved are perfoot stwngsra to Cardiff and Wales, and would never ban been beard of PnssMas'Plssrt Cardiff. UxKxxeura-AFrefiUhls and IrieusUng Fora snU-vriUlani 9y, Owtifisated they bed taboo in answering tin questions he had sat them.

Ia 1880 statistics in'1 llBt sho keep money nnma in order that the neighbours might not want to borrow of lier. The fact tilat she allowed him to stay at her house after (be knew ha had I troublesome that it was abandoned. I Summitry Juriidiotton Act of 1870 the maglsmtee hvf absolute power to reduce tlie costs. omoa To-night (Wednesday) tit* curtain will ries on by a special machinery than Introduced for the 1 jffijforthl" Twork is wtoSrdiflauflsocss! first Ubuv of which, however, he bad torn unable the its perfomxinoe Is looked forward to with to av 11 himself on the praeeut occasion. At Uia I moolt interest as Lohengrin." The drwwrt visitation him of tiw rapllaa reme in too Lm will foduda Madams Buns, Miss Drew, tixu" ntiGxejix'l PHILADELPHIA, MoxnAt.

tod they sot. agreed to try and raise a cheap popu- Foutypcidd, supplies Bra ad A iarity hr a hire err. Tbechamstarof Uwascvtoe tetai5rMu8wntriJBrartmdl WiulVVdvSfoS Ootertljradl. k-rartfeu mid Advl es. Jgnss Mumsalwm aaaaaiaA a flk Ifaumln rttlisMlIa I evXHtae tto eedraary morning asrrtc atBt.

Matra I wished to unleli a tuun to the exteut ot 10s. they Itamgeg Xalph Waldo Emerson grave xt Concord, could do hby fining hint 10. Includingcosts orJldr entirely without amho was violated on Satnrday 8s. fine and 6s. costs, hutlt all tlio difference h.

itt Sway and (a fa received the ui-tuy si weed that not 1 gntirsly gone awt eta, add bis alia dki nUsgrii) disappointed tor nope of becoming his vrifs did (lie set the law in motion. The jury returned a verdict o( "Hot guilty, and prisoner was diecharged. Tlie court here adjourned tin tin o'clock this (WidnesdayJ morning. PEMBROKESHIRE. Tlu Michaelmas Quarter Sessions for tlie county late Mr.

Clisrles Fee non, Mr. Heard, aoiloitor, I macMnsry and acquired a taste for mechanics, -Al 1 And as Geotgn Stephinion wa a frequent visitor taeli-tfous may wire sevrral of the leading merchant I have toss developed through th example, end of the port, 1 he bidding throughout beinrf sxeep-1 polbly by the advice, of that greet engineer- toSaln1tottatonS2 At the sg. of riren DanW Gooch was plared tlis price obtained wu considerably above the I lb Tredegar Ironworks. In Monmouthshire. Ha restive figure.

Before proceeding to sell, Mr. I now applied biinself directly 10 lbs study of iron-Gottwalta, In Ik? course of a few wcU-o-'xxeo I m.hm md practical mechanic, acquiring ii reoerks, descanted on the value of the ptoptnr he wu about to soli. Every lot, ha said, waa well a gwerel knowtadg of tha real aid mineral situated, and each had the aadiUonal merit of I workings of the district. After ha tod spent I living been subsuntlslly built by the late ownsr I three yesre at Twdrgar Ur. B'brrt BtrphenioB seen investment, adraimitance in IteU sum- KrtUm to Workington, where that genUemaa had olant to sseure a ready sal.

The value of the lot, "7 however, wai eoosldenblv enhanced by the faction fotoiy HiabUihad a locmnotlre factory. He that all the boures had fo th peat commanded good I wae afterwards at Hswcastle and Gateshead fore thnn At tha tluu, engagad in aa attempt to set up tenants, while the major part of nation is expressed. Lath. An examination of the tomb shows that the casket was uncovered, but unopeuedvTJse rends Is bad apparently been frightened before the robbery was accomplished. magletnt object having really ocen galnoJ, he wuuld withdraw hie motion.

tbs obsxr ox nocanuns. Tlis Cuaisxav said tlie court would next con-1 aider, and, if thought oxprdient, emtnJ, the standing orden revised at tlw bt Utzons. He propoKd that tlwy should be modified to the haring introduced Hr M. Morgan aetbo acoretad I oftar on formor occrelons. Urine the Conservative oandidsta for the Southern Divulou acoumM record of facts, thrir rocurns) Itowevsr AT of Gtotaorgaorilho, Sir U.

SfoMaVi who wae meet received, ay rose to address tha gai haring. Ho first spoke of rivays SERIOUS ACCIDENT CINCINNATI. extent of making tlw foture order of business at flf Pembroke were held at Uia Sblre-liall, Huvor-quiuter aearione ns folio First, the Tumdny. Tlw nwelstniies pretenl to the grand jury; revcndly, the county butinese; WHe ur. fj.

G. Allen. Lord Kensington (lord-tliirdlj-, the trials of prisoners, and, fourthly, Uia lieutenant). Sir Charles Fliilippi, Bart, Mr. Joseph trials or appenlr.

He considered tint this order Thoms. Mr. W. H. Walters, air.

Charles MatbLii, wae ceiculatsd to suit tlie oouveaief.co of the prsasnt time were occupied by soma most merchants at the Docks. Thefc soma magistmtes and to expedite business. Judge G. Willuxs seconded, strongly suppoi t-1 so teat; not only tto storetarlm and ti IBsliop, but alio lbs thru 11 beforehand perfoetly whet to this" Frotsitant agitators" to stteod St. Marys Draw qratslctarah? Did they not go therein thsiroepacinea lu sin ben of that detestable Church Amocktlon and, mouth pisoei of tea fftadbh Cfimvimrs the latter a psper which tries to turn everything to ridteuks wlte which Itdoesnotsgree? Further, task all loTBtl Of OUf Church, WtU those With VenUIxUBg Flutnbrt, Sss and Hs Wsljr oould not bs mmsntad I I wbo ennnot follow us, if iu thusdsys, Frtfortrtau brinuda riaB found numbers tlw PrimroM Luguisud its object, comiMottag tliat' tiuv wdrT exoaptimiritiiare upon lto lmmetiM growth of tha orgsnliaUoa.

I still oocutrsd too frequently. Bathe believed Though but a few yesre had slapssdrines tiw tumstoto.bnthe whole, substantially correct They inauguration of tbs movsmsnt, it numbered now coufirmsd othsr, aod aa time wss no greater nearfy a miatan memtore, and tha roll wss reason for suspecting exaggeration on tto last than increasing at tbs rats of something ilk 25,000 every year. (Applause.) Probably teem ws no district where ths growth hod been more remarkable than ia South Glamorgan (applause) I by tlw olsrgy of tto Cliurch, tlwre ought tobs and It bad psnalrited area Into the no inscourav, tlw law required them to 6s I Young A northern portion of the coastito racy the mt I registered. But tore they ware rast by a curious I Toreador 8i" from "Osrmsn," by Mr. Max Radicsl portion.

(Keniwed applauss.) This I ptonornsnon, for which, wlwn footed at laths light I Eugens nnd the strsuads from "Faust," by wonderful suceiu murt have soma cans and it I throwa upon It by othsr itatistics, it waa by no I signor Abramoff. Mr. CUud Jaqrinot will bs te lay to a great extent fn the fhet that ths psopls means easy to acoounr. Tto annual average of all I sccompaulst, Tto concert will to an an tired were recognising lto good work of th party wuli I baptisms during the triennial parted ending December 31, 1888, tod ban 4,854. Helmd not tto avenge of tiw next three yesre.

but the number toptleed in 1886 seemed to nave been 4,880, Tbs annual a the Ihi three yean ttonumtor. Ho could only Icoaunt for teat, wlwn I younTa" paragraph containing tlw following: Ridisid.wUl tovetofigbt for he eonridersd ths remarkable progress of tbe I Tussday asw no further development with I The exseuliva committee of the Ubemtioa I Ceutnl Whrd. Until ths ejections ire Charcli in other remote, hy attrfbuLfogit In put K(Rj tto forteoomiDg maulapsl eteetieue I upon aetT? gP but speculation to pfok out next jmrt to an increaring and rosy natural desire on the wiau? a spscM meet- mv in for that of which they H-, towever, a progressive conservative and where were needed to would go infer ttom heart and soul. (Applause.) He deprecated intolmnes aa tto part of any station of ib of th I to iq mrrnulng Bad ttw biuiia) dfScs ob thi I poiffo I otU tbtt Mr. B.

I nBk forge works at the tatter place and he wu mho employed oo the Manchastoc and Leeds Beit-way, then id process of coosti action. About tide period Hr. Gooeh appear to have attracted the Greet gauge end attention of Bruns, the engineer of tha the order suggested. Mr. H.

Dillwtk Bennett, Mr. Simeon, Mr. W. Jim Mr. Owon George, Mr.

Bee (Qrannant), Mr. Watte William, Mr. Evans (Blether lone), Mr. Brewer, Dr. Havod (PKCTFR- TECSOBMI.

HEW YORK, Tcxisw, A serious aocident oecnrred at Cincinnati to-dsy. The cable of a tramcar mapped, and the car waa smashed to piecos. Five peraone were killed and several Injured. MURDER OF TWO WHITE MEN AVENGED. of tlie fore-The following wire the foto sold aud the price rtalieed Xot 1 eompriiad the hugs shop, ofitess, end preabsa atthsoorwrof Bnte-tUatt and' West BotMtrect, wttli tlw werrtorem, storw.

and naWlny fn the tear, 1st to rcntel of part of tlu trusters of the Marquess of Brio for ffith of Marsh, 1181, and tha rtnululo far three lives and Wynns Cram the IMS, tbu wliuls bring mbjsct to sn rent of A91b. psrainma. Tbefim MjDOO. and tUs snm wu spariUy ran up toTJK)0. which Sgurs ws knoeksa down to a storss.

and stnMing fn the tear, 1st to rand shlo-ehuAlan, tbs vsarix cMarquess of Buioforat ysonitom ike ft? siwliuisbring srijset tosnapportlanMfraunil Must. Vnunr snd approved of th resa lution oxospt tlie poriion respsoling tlie appeal, which he llnuglit should to Ukan in iha order which lndnlwsre prevuiltd. Ho moved an amend' mMr.Husnreaeeoonded, but tho amendment WMjaVLewfo Uwtodcn, qreUtod a. maSiL Ur. W.

Base Davies, Mr. Guxow, Mr. Stephan-, ka, XBW MMISTBATKS. Admiral C.B, M.P., Dr. W.

Williams, Drlra, Fisligu-ird Mr. Tlieo. Thomas Trclisla irate. I 1 I atmospheric railway, end designer of the Great On Bruneis recommendation. Mr.

Gfooch was appointed iu August, 1837, supwlnten- I dat Jooomotivsa on th Great Western Hallway, ihi OMt ran. TIia ful-'niring gentlemen inre aup-mslioj on tha greudjury lost by a large majority' The order of procedure as moved by the chair-uun wu then adapted. SKUxr vox sonoes. ianWM eves VVItVDM I a I I when to entered upon a period of service to the -wa u-ra I. I Court Jar.

a.irjp, rla 1 Docij Mr-W, gm yresenrsd 61 Company at a rental of pa per all. During this time to tod a Shat In most of 12S, AttMtfNii Brass. Xrsnwrtawrs Mr. Uordaitoon. Roger's Rusk, jn Lo3 vrsi Ho.

18S, flute street. Ie to tin of tha nECTsn's' tbsoux.1 BBUBASE, TQSfBAT 1 ummon -two ii'Gregor and S3 men reoratly I llr. Jnmes Harries, HajcasUe; Mr. riioniu Hsrritt, Mr, Charles Lewis, Hermo Mr. William FmtlslaJa; Mrj.

B. Lewi. Martorthi Mr. 4r William landed at Demorara to search for the native who murdered two white man some time ago. They were attacked by the native, who were put to flight and their village burned.

ILLEGAL acnox OX SUOISIKATliS. Mr. H. Lloyd naked tho opinion of tlu court as (o tiie growing practice of granting fpcclul Hcencss y. PMestl, Lewis, MorgKn, T.PmosII, Barfcerth; Mr.

Ben Ferkliis.BIsckluek i Mr. J. Budwsll Wads, important undertakings company. Wa now coma to on of tha moutanuoa oecota-pllahmencs of tha human race, which make turning points in ita biitcry, and on whh wUrii the nsma of Daniel Gooch must ever to closely associated. Until the day shall coma whan a tatter icatlon between distant portions shall ba Inuo-ons of tha means of comm on of the globs Hum desp-saa re hire sha duced, Us Servloe to olvllilHHon, Christian community, whether Clmreh of Von conformist, or Bemsn Catholic.

They tiw hum end in view, though tbe means they ear, hear!) Sarin nd, iy aU lied they sr, hear.) adopted wore, psilwp, different. (Hear, hear Kuut (Coffln and Co.) on Iua tor (ourtasn years from tlw 1st Mup.UKk.ata rental of 90 par annum, end Lot 4 was Ho. US, Botootrest, (at on lesM to Hr. William Parch, ooiuivy pmpriotor, tor th stuns term, at dllfi per anamn. After anryinhitad thua lots were Hcatod hy Mawri.

Srau 1 ellffo, and Bute lumbers, milling tlrrly 1,100, 1,400, and Cl.RlO. Show non erendly bald under lea from th laU Data for three Urn and annual uouod rant of 3 LSI llTuhUn ffa sluglo llrenisd hi ItexA in private by maglitnies. I Mr. BdwluTrsrlcr.TsmlirokapBoki Tit.Jk... Judge WiLUAMS said the practice woo quiU I Taticrsdstuii i ami Air.

T. Y. Iciuiig.yinbrol.c. Herbert Moor: Mr. ukarls Read Mr.BdwluTniylrir.TsmliroksDBsk Mr.

John port of5oneonrmxst poraoti to tIJp diil 1 5rsu baptised by those wbwe snlclsiratians.tiuy Thomas will stand with Mr. J. H- Jones for tbs 1 24." I stranded, end in part to an iscreiring I vvst Ward. Tbs Conservatives tavs itrong can-1 taking 1 end vsrv dtodst unwilliiurnesi on tiw rare 1 I meats and vary proper unwillingness on tiw part I mmA i- i 1 meat I illegal, nnd ho rivoikl instruct iha police to take THE PROROGATION OF FAR- ESSS HSE-53SLSSS-" LUMENT. i Tin standiui; orders at amended were adopted, attqi-1 1 Patrick-1 little tondthrmigh whota panavoring ajmrclons known asTk Britanuk Bridie Inn, was stsriad I and indomltaUa counga iuttw faesof (Hfifoultlas end ultimately changed bstul, for 1,426, Uie mm eo i a Mm and tha Atlantis able toearaa Uw to to told in London on Ociober Boiunuxnri Smixs.

-The dispute have notreen any where that Unclergy are tiw boilennakea at Mresre. Metdsy. Carney, tart iispa to counteract lto drstractiv move- CnA dir dook, rtwedy'retared to la Uw iwrtHO- gnu etgramsntt ot Ora saamls. Afort, sull cootlnuat. A fow ot lira men- asset ffure owed a debt of gratitude to tha ffoneoafbi-1 of tiw ctogy of the ChurriS to baptise chMra wB I Let me suggsjt tint in every parlh, eeperielly work; but uw bulk of tee.

bofleHnetesB ajrt mists, but Ibat wae no reason why tliey should to In private mums without any real reason for it. shown. In tiw other wards Ihinga remain p- eountiy panabre nnd Walrii-psldng district, still dissatisfied with 4 Herememtored when Uis practua wss narsmely I viously rOited. Itiwr should be fortune oa Church history ere fc unduly interfered with by the action ofO He toped and bsBeved that ti had waekly or fortnightly during tto ooming winter, riilpwriite. tremriyrere.

However they iqigM IneumbeBte could in no way betus train their I HxwBaxb-A new reed band te ceeuet fbr it; (he evidence afforded by adult top- tamv no- fpnri? TTSir I curates In tlw mectonical part of thrir work 1 sal abltibed In connection with tbs Great )v altogether tha other way. During tee COLLISION IN Tan Lloiv. ihaa by inriatkig upon them making in eriodeading December 1U, 1879. tiw num-1 idwolroomi or aUawlwre on rod) a lubject. They won wliy tl Intderant of tto Chnrcli of England, a to loved.

(Applause.) They should ito rud tiwrnad in view, for there tliai would subvert religion xltegsttor. hrsr.) Fairing on, the speaker referred to tlw of tto county, a jpawperig triennial on tetag Ksseea. Huaosk and O. Lots Beni Bend? eompriiad two prints he Iuiki necuRox Tlie CxAtuxAJf said there were Iwo charges of to ba considered. a Licaxcx apxxal.

The following nowly -appointed licensing committee sat for the first time, via, Mr. Alien (chairmen), Mr. R. Csrrow, Ur. Bennott, Mr.

D. F. ivilllaius, Mr. J. 11.

Bowsn, Dr. WUUami (Drlm), Mr. Howell WiiltaM, Mr. Charles Matilda, Mr. Wllllsin Evan, Mr.

E. 8. James, Mr. V. Jams, and Mr.

Joseph Thoms. Ur. Jolin Brown, Haverfordwest, applied for confirmetion of the licence granted turn by Hoosa mngiitrdtce in August lost fur till by tlw eacb proJ oolns a rental of 18 imad na parttoaed bv Mr. Ssorae Oaan for in Patrick-a year. Th dot 10 ft gnat ntmt and the county business concluded.

CBIMIXAL BUSINESS. Tffi OIAXD JURY. Tn Ldlnwlnc gentlemen were sworn on tlw grand jury Messrs. J. Beynon.

T. Bulpin, H. tMwrles. D. Davis, George Curtis, William Da vise, I U.

Evans, T. Jenkins, Thomas Jone, Lewis Lswb, George Lonudsn, George Mansfield, Thomas Fries, D. J. Hes. Tltnmss Riuhorils, D.

H. Thomss, Win. llhomai Bdwardi for tbs other was arid lu The Queen held a Privy Council at Osborne on Tuesday, at which Mr. Chaplin was aworn In as Fiesidens of the Board of Agriculture. Her SMjnty further prorogued Purlmmcnt from the 16th of Jfoveutor until Esbraery.

Owing to tlie illatss of Lord Cranbrook (th Lord Fresident of the Council), the Lord Chancellor and Lord Crow au ended. findtnjt lot, a dwelttng-tisure In AUre-etmt, llirtrd 300, and wiisji 400 wse nocked tha PENASXB. Fmxiore Idtsoux. A meeting of tlw cxacudM munrfl of the Fenarth Habitation of tee Friew League wee told oa Tuesday craning iu tiw eoifogfutu ecboohoom, Locdrstrort. Tbu I would, thus improve thrir power oi themselvw without msnuecnpt, end also help to A Liard's reorivod aa Ttwedey night raw tto stigmo art npou than liy Csnon lM7.

I Wallen and Chancellor Phillip it the Congress tto lutes that tto steamer Severe, of and for Lire This 1s reform ws flirt of ril reqolre, I Thomas, and Henry Tucltar, mid Dr. Lewis. I Bquware 'a hotw toionging to him -rex ckaixxaxs CMBOV. I at Broad Hsven. Mr.

Browu oppsared in person SINGULAR SCENE IN A WELSH Tha CXA1RMAM then dslivsred his cb I nod the appMci Hon. Mr. B. T. 1 a re Jo lin gmiid jury, i grand Jury.

Ha said than were between WUlburiT (instructed by Mr. Joseph Fiiilpiu, POLICE-COURT, dsmocrstiKtiun of Church govarnment by tbs lfc At. J- -m. man a1 636. Ha triennial periods but the number during tto three yean which ended Decamtar 8L 1888, might add that te formed by (br ole taken as nearly eqi of biriht whldt had occurred daring Jl If rtwy tURMd feo (hs mIiUiiik the records or Sunday 8cbodi, tlisy would find proof of marked fond ateady progrew.

Unfortunstelr, there tod beau a certain coo fusion betwaso tto numbers on the books and tiw tel tbe rang attendance, la 1877 the number returned rat 22JU1, but be was inclined to lUnk that in most oases tbe avenge and not tee total number had been returned on that In 1880 tee I iseurity due to the pnaent firm Government. Saar, hear.) Ho had recently spent aoma lima te It a orautiy rich iu mineral weritb, with flu harbours, end a good a faatoatd a there wsi in tiw world. Buvm found time that all tee Industries were In tto bands of EngKabmen and Scotchmen. Bs bad asked tiw reason, and tod btan told (list it waa became Italians bed become so accustomed to unsettled government that they wire afraid to risk their capital -(Hear.) This showed tbe advantagM of firm and tiled government, such as Great Britain had been enjoying during tto past few ysara. (Hear, Till mode tiw question of firm gn vsrnooent essentially one foribeworkingeiasaea.

(Hearjiaer.) TU urtrent Government waa also entitled to the thanks of tlis agriculturists iu amarkad dpgree. Agriculture was, if not Uw maw important, one EXTRAORDINARY CONDUCT OF A M1NISTEII. large for ms In tlw neighbourhood) oppose J. The couhrmation waa refutJd. CRIMINAL CASES, truuxa nits its.

James Mattlww. 80, labourer, wu dinrgad with stealing, on tbs 12th at Tenbfht tame three pistes broken aud while tlw Mardy bad tor atom an accomplished foot, oau seareely to forgottoa. In IBM Uia AUamic Tdaxreph Company was almost in daspahr of avar attriniug iu objacls. For many yean of uusucoeasful wort and protracted misfortune tad dfotoartaned most of it auppretara. Its history had been bcledy this: Frqecied about 1840, rix yean ware paasad in forming iha company, There were 858 tana of UNQ osrii, aud it was hard to find man to taka them up for such an apparently impossible uiitorprtss tlwt of laying a infograph eabfo across the Atlantic.

Six years more wars apaat In unavailine efforts to carry out tho setomo. At foagtb, in 1858; success fawned for a momant tu have teen auainad. A cable Und been laid a mtsssga tod bean sent from America to Europe, and for a weak or two soma fosbla, broken communications flickered along tha wire, than cussd entirety. Tha rebfo bat proved to to a total fiuhre, and tha fostunu of tlis company sink to iha verge or extinction Another period of six yssrs slepsod before it I In a pod Lion to mate rsaowad Moris. Tiw Grew oom-1 been built from tlw dnsiens of bundT tat tlwsgs wu not ihen accustnsd to and from various causes tto earner of not lurcsiifQl.

On of the original the msmmotii ship wu lb. Gooch, the death of Bruno), hi 1889, lie tecama more largsly concerned in her. Bhe wu mort-gigsd for AlOOjOOO, Mr. Gooch bring me of tha mortgager! He wu also a director of tha Trie-grapu Coattrucriou and Bbincananes Company, nnd in that capacity became fnrarestad in A CUNARDER ASHORE. Tho Fenzauco correspondent of tha Ccrtral Xtni" telegraphs "ThiCunard steamer Malta went on Tussdsy night near Caps Cornwall.

All tlw crow end passengers wars landed safely. A dasso fog yrivailsd at tha rims." otber damaga, pnjgi dienatahliaiiment of tlw intolerable and autocratic position of tee ineumtonh Bat this will came only (lowly. What we can liars at once is more earnestusm, more reality of toliefi end greater ccuscinusnese of tto rreponribUlty of our duty. I am, J. W.

Oct. 9. Pslmor, Mire u. from tbe diviriesst Captain A. IbMMan, Croasllnx, Court," H.

Cecil Sdwa, and G. May. and tbe Beo. Mr. Hadan.

for nonwuendsnoe were read from 8b M. 1 sjor Ingram. Mr. William posed fn tto mort Battering terew by tto 1 5 T3S.K?SSS SSR vice Mr. Cadi Birina, who resigned in owweqaraea of psuawire of primate bnrinias.

It waeeweunred that ttoBuling Ceundlioc (Lad A lingular teens occurred at Butliin (Horth rrijrit valiu tils property oi Cbartu TWriT. I Walsa) Follre -court on ktondsy during ks ring Mr. Bess Davius prosecuted; tlw prisoner was uu-1 a charge sinit rlinn th wifo CONFERENCE ON CHRISTIAN UNITY AT CARDIFF. On Tuesday the Xenoeaforaiirt ministers of I Cardiff und tbu district told two meetings at tto Presbyterian of dfoeoaringt defiaiidccL Thsro" bring a previous conviction for I attampUng to kisa Jana Bsseli, felony, piioner was sentenced to two mouths' 0 wall-known forms ot LLinMr. fh Bev.

Ambrose Jonas wu celled In support oi plain ntfa cats. Wlwn Mr. Jonea wu requastad felony, piiMHtf tonl labour. iB ri to 40 and 80 cues an tha calendar, chiefly of (to ordinal character of occurrences In tho couniy, but there were three to which lio decired to cell ttoir sttcution. iTlirre were ten or elrvtn caees or inaliciuui wounding, and sight or ten rears of fklaa pretence, tlio Inticr offtncp, apparently, being un-nsually nwikst Mr.

Fowl marked ont Uie oonns oi tlw grand jury iu tlisso two clausa of nifencso and titan proceeded to refer to care againK la manunmedllogm.of stealing wrought iron at Krstli, and ons against a man named Walburtoo, at Cardiff. 'Ilien, hi wild, them was a very rare I and unusunl cue. It was that of killing a man under Uia most revoltingandodinua clroumatmoei to tod ever happened to read of. Ho would not go into tho dreadful derails, but reminded them tlwt any questhme ns to the sanity of the prisoner would ba dealt with, not by ttom, bat by tlw court. XO TUCK BILL.

Tlio grand jury threw out tlis bill clmrging witli I Miriam U-ugan witli felony at Atordare. ALLEOED TIIER OF SXIV1SUI. viritiog tto I total number hud bean given a 28,783, and In 18 a 82JB38. Tto record of 1888 appeared lu tto Official Tear Book of tho Church of Bnahad at DB. CY8DDYL3H JOVEHS CB1TICI8MB OH THE CHUBCH CONGRESS.

Y0 TXS UXTOX OF SUM icaiXm" But Blndly allow me to put few question to anaot bis aonect- Bar. Dr. ttracUMaa Jonea lake Ito Book to ba sworn in tha ordinary way, lie I muds. I liiaraliuldsreia and after SWANSEA RAILWAY COLLISION NEAR HEXHAM. THREB PERSONS INJURED.

of tto most important Industrial in the but tboufh tlu Bidicals tod boon in tbs greater portion of tto leet SO or ttoy had nevsr done anytidng sarvatives had dona all 1 breta ereatar portion of the fort SO or ing for it. ctonLand Uw 87,488 but it was pfoln that tbfo fopreaented the Qbrfttlan work. Papere wrre read by tto Bava. J. the nraage uttantenoa atriknot Gw total nuhr, Lloyd and J.

H. Writere. laths evening a publSoneaa in ealHngWUrtrid and Wwfoy. BowfondS of IxroarritT IXFOmteTiOXFhlinpa 8wx, qjtto SMS fcbS! tohara boen sbout told ia the FM Metbotert (Stapri, Llangriti)aHurU of Tnraeea. end WlUlama of ingManatoterer ri lgndon Qregff.

m.mmm it.a i.i. I owou wllllna tow flag open saw nwun 34JW0 or 35JXM. Tto return of the pretest sbout I m(4ting wm held in the Free Methodist Cbspsl, Llangritto, Harria of Tnrseca, end Williams of "Jtor Ooildford-strert. Th Ber.B. Dodd preridsd, and I Churchmen.

Before admit hie dunOpsai Daniel Davies (on boil), csrputer, Fentre, Pm-btoknliire, wu charged with stealing on tlw 10th of Juno two black yearling teiftre, valued at 14, tha property of Mr. John Thomas Peayfidor. 1IU rrisour waa riro riiargod wtti) "Ivrantto maka it qrito ImpoMlhto for magis- lcnowlog thsin to to jtoloo. Hr.W. B.

Botorl I tte who cannot andarstHUil our languag to sit raid ha could not spask EneHili, and deeKnad to taka tha oaih except in WriaL Hs declared that Uu Th languag Fnatjroslyn ot lto meeting wse reasoning in rialming Bt, Paid end Martin-Lottor dafsndad. leas arid imaecufoil Mr. C. H. Chris-1 gs on tto bench In WaUa." gave 30,544 as tlie average ttendenoe.eudB as lto loul number.

Tlisy would otosrve that i tJ fotaOU those statistics landed to confirm sub other, nnd workertTli to stow marked progress. Ttoy trsrefimteroon-i -w, th first firmed by tiw retumsof commonicants. The records 1 wlL? I s'ated test ths objert greater fifitod by the retumsof commonicMta. Tto record jfenoonformiits tod unity amongst Bar. 7.

C. Spur, Cardiff, stated that KSgtartrasC, ewns tta dLprorisf thrir MuanfesCarcd OfeUtisg dirssa te tto pnkila tt it is only reasonable to oak him to whoiariasott. Cre. first, tiiat there was any deliberate lnten-1 It is a FUt that 8iedl Brou, HstUiftsld I on tbs part of these old reformers to create Turn out ths wotk. Ms.

Crunuxs Tmoto Th tart wosktaWriM, (to lr. Qtapmsn to ia. of St. tofore oould faave tbe jury found iha Prisonw not Sulky, aud lto verdict I ktl oould speak English, and whs received with applause in court. arenhaUcaUr ns to asrear him 11 Tiw just they they tiiipbaUcBlly dtcllntd hf bwbbt IiSib ib WBbb.

I Amtefift of mtSib daao aat cable Very well, said Mr. Jonas, tean 1 droflne to to a0rowPte Atlantic. Having dsir studied tto worn all. 1 dtteafi iss Jfogliah fongmga. qmttiun, and, having arrived at uw coariuaion the Bench quaatiun, been taunted on aooount of sect outride tbe Cbnrch of Bogtand; ceetmdta, of confirmations wurecotapfoteb and niigto fmjtlMrwantot unily.

Hs did noa ibink ttoy sbookl that was any oouversiou needed, as in tee on.Ha had csrafatyr entered ttonumtor of A collision occurred on Tuesday on tlie Xnrib Biitiih Bailway at Wark Station, near Euxtom. An early paesengar train ran Into a Glasgow goods train, both engines bs coming firmly locked toother. A paisenger earrings was smashed to pieces. A insnngsr named Walter Bidlcy, of TXBST COURT. Acomb, on his way to Hawick, am th passenger guard wero seriously hurt.

Tlis most seriously injured person Is Mr. Staynr, miring engineer, of Ptnliiti's Colliary, who residas at Sfactle-on-Tyne. Ho had both fogs broken. (Bcforo Messrs. J.

C. Fowleb, H. DR Dillwsx, V. Wearnia, and D. H.

1XTKBESTING BATIHG APPEAL. IWAXSBA COaVOBATKNt AXS TH now known BRECONSHIRE. TB1AL 07 FBIS0BBB8. Tto Mictoabnu Quutar Scetlon. for Shire wore told at tto Blilre-hsll, Brecon, suite were mi mc oiwwu.

Afisr further heated alto real Iona, adjourned tiw cose. TO show bis further contempt 1 rtvinn for a Saxon Bench" in Wale, tbs rev. gentleman I rmi luafuilv Ah. I4JU 1 Ala. ranaii anil Alias awraay and i hat tlie scheme ng tow usefully Paul, of England and form Mftiiodiste and Warisyau.

1 am, fee. Oct. 12. ttoy i what are AxAxranc sooth Write Alt. in the middle of Uu ooun then r'l tnu db hfi bi! Tuesday.

Hr Joseph Ballsy fox, MJ, tlw chair-1 gg, man 0 tto court, presided, and tlwre ware also A Lfa L.A put on hfa bet depended pay much etientioa to tint, tonurttboM who, 6 Mh pw utftd ftt iwy CEBtti and tgom trery I iSi th tmnt irtrr urt ttwniMlT aoitod Xtbsl psrM. TU saabm confirmed MTtrafyln th1 lvutrLcimtal pcvioda Middm the Slit of Deetmbtr. wm SJ30Q, He bod eon- tmbl fo tbe preeent year be bad already bonfirmel 248S, end itve mort populous districts were silil to to visited, It wu probable Uwt tto number confirmed in tto kith and klo. What waa foaeibie, he joined In pro-all bis ensrgtes to tto task, tto giant strip might ba am-pfoTaa iu carrying out tiw oabfo; sir. Gooch engaged in the tonaatiou of tiw Great of which to became eeiel waa pur-all lieu upon her and left 25,000 to to divided among the original owners.

The Gnat hen Bteamship Company, tto iructton Company, and tto Cbmpanynow joined togeteer Bsrtnm 8teiiiiiiidp Compaqy, of 1 chairman. By tula company the chased tar a earn which oovnred tod I Telegraph Coo-AtienUoJTelegnih SHOCKING ACCIDENT AT MERTHYR. MOUNTAIN ASH. preeent yosr would not fall short of those of fort to teste task any la Bscicic JokesJ SWAXIEA TUMWAT COStPAXT. Mr.

David Lewis was for lto corporation and Mr. Aoq! Tlnmns for llis tramway company. This was an appeal by tha tramway company against lira general dittncl rata as bas'd on Hie tramlines I where those linn are at preient massed to tiw general district rata at I hs full, the com eutlon oftto I appsllants bring iliat Llw exemption allowed to rail- Ou Monday nifiht a sarlous accident hapnened 7, to Mr.ftnd Ur. Bulmer, and Mr. wi Mia June, I HhActpand emetine Inmnesff.

Whila retarnlnr lo Cliiileliurrt nt otw-fouiin initend of on iha SUiiMihehorcaboUadgOvertarofiietliobrougliaiii. ww 'driver, named Georgs Flams The driver, nsnwd Georgs Flams was thrown a tlw tramway company hod pawo's different from ill that could uso tleam and Mb. T. Wxitti EvAitswiU Sril by Auction eo ifsrBSMk Ntft VveniY Tin lOftMunv 3Kir by Items. Bnmnri WHtare.ato Oa, A WARNING) TO ROYS.

for 40 year, Goror ament lied roeognined tea hnpoclanos of tiifo interest. But what did they find 7 That th new Minister of Agriculture waa oppoaad, aod era osptioutiy opposed, by tbe Radicals simply because to bad baea selected to guard tea Interests mlture. (Hear, lieu.) Continuing, Sir Mo rgai something more waa wanted, andha booedtlw new Minis tar of Agriculture, working with tee agricultural associating would do aomething further to benefit tto formsn, (Hsor, toar.) Tto agricnlturfot tod to fees foreign competition, and ho thought reason for tto dtaadvan of Uw natlva producer waa tiw high railway (Beeru hear.) Fbr instance, milk oould be as oheoplr from Bomareatilflre to Cardiff as it could be sent from Marshfield. (Hear, toar.) Dealing witli tto education queetioo, bs said Wales bud now teen given tbe mort important Act for many years past in regard to education, though, fbr lisa tart, ba tailored tbe time tod noma when we wfar tatter ta go in for free education nil round. (Apple iua.) lh eoonlurion, the speaker said be wn proud to succeed such a man si Mr.

Lfowriyn as candideie, and to frit- eanguins tbiu if tuy fought with a will ttoy would win. iLond ap-pfousaj Sir Morgan then addressed bis audience in Write. Mr. Tnoa Cbawbut propued a endfoi vote of thanks to Sir Morgan Morgan for bis able and lucid addttMs Aidsrman Wasifo eeoondcd, aud tiw proposUfon wee carried with acclamation. Sir Koigax MontuM having replied, vrtss of thanks to Mrs.

Trabenw snd tiia chairman Icr-mioated this portion of tto Tto centra of tto room waa than das red, and imfci waa l-Ai'g-t io, Hama Jdinsca sad sberta band supplying tto maale. At Intervals some sxediant oongs, at, wore rendered. Tto were moat enthusiastic era due to Mm. the gatherieg truly social oh. year.

Spoking roughly, to mtglit eay that ttw did not' want Mr. muators oonfinstad bod doubted riiiee to twgn bla t0 t11t4 ifew wbattof work. Tto number of oomnmnics.nl turned had rtt w-t without tto aid of any outaiilsr, nnd if risrtrteriUlyrinrthfonmryvfototiou. oTa ttoy onowfodrad ttoir number rstimwdiu 1877 were 2WMj tnUW, I iuoapadty the better. Ha objected etronglyto the Mr.

Terry or i to do. Ttoy of any outridi wy ateaowbd tu. ua i ny THE CARDIFF GAS COMPANY AND ITS CHARGES. to xjutox of mnar wau." Sikf Would you ktndlyobUga byvsaitlaUnf tto foBowtaglhtte matter of some Importance to oodf of gas in Oudlff and Fsnartbf When tbs ddivared ttoir aeonunts for Jons 24 last tto following IM ffotfetl bsrriar given tbri. In gonssgasns the sdesrtaf saris, tto ssfirtHnn of 1 AKJKSSira; srnfSJWwe te large ass-man wlU be aUomd Mb present tto Bev.

Prebendary ibs Bev. Reis Fries, Colonel VP. Jones-Thoma, Lteuteuaut Baea William, Mr. B. D.

Cteasby, Mr. J. P. Qwynns-HoUord, Mr. Jamil Williams, and Mr.

Joacfh Joseph. 'Aa only civil business transacted was th re-appolntmaat ot tto gentlemen chosen to coaitiiui tlis licensing oommtttes st tee Michaelmas sessions of last year. Tlis oourt afterwards proceeded to tto trial of prisoners. txx oba jojtr, rdHowlng gentteuen were aworn on Uw gi aud Jury: lfours. J.

A. Whittle, (tanden-road, Breson, ten-man: John Wlllfon Jonsa, Watun, Bneon: Jriin Money June. Blgb-rtraah Anaoa i Albsrt Ksttfe, Shi itraet, Braeon T. O. Kirk, Watton, Broaen I J.

Walton, snm i make eertain allowance for fr SULbibvMtamAlbi lee of itatemanta white appeared tn j. Thornes, Mertbyr, eleo ooka aod disco of itatements wuicu eppearen in i Merthyr. Wwt Bromwtah. Oststogns flerAJmenc IteooocnoirTlwOmiifloriert re jaaritedli. Oteriff.

fe.tto remmtorijMnrt Valoein Fire HtortfurSafofe Swwir. Bsv. and to lootenese nf Uu retnnie. But ttow were probably took nfoa on Tlie Usd fry edtfidons to to made for parishes scesiaryfor the Prc oenceUed On Tusaday afternoon a tarriblo accident befall the eabfo. Aa an influential member of all tiirea boy named John Williams, who parent! tiw I companies, Ur.

Gooch ployed a prominent part In father being a plasterer reside iu Tramroad-aids tiw execution of tlis In July. 1885, hs North, Merthyr. The llttte fallow, who Ie stout rifod on board the Grant Butern, which carried a seven ysora eld, was riding on one of the springs cable weighing some 6,000. urns. Tbs commence- of a four-wheeled cab belonging to Ur.

Dtx In mint of tea voyage promised well, hut it wu soon wbloii tod attended enterprise, One st last, when in mtd'Ailanitek the cable Brokfo and tiw sunken tnd could not ba recovered with such apyUanese a vrsre on board. Tto Great Eastern wse, therefore. ObriUianWo ssnsidarabla distance and was picked up in ncco*ksous condition. of Birin) Ofiotft S2od Iqiia UK1 mretiogs will to continnsd to-day (Wednesday). bu will otoerve that tbe notice" i taadraneam ucb.

Crow from whidino might to, to equable progress, wbite tto return tCrintt tlierr, tlisy carry grodsnud railway tracks oa thrir lines. Moreover, there were poi tions of tto Unas of tlie appellanti which wrn fn axtoenca tofore the postage of the Act or 184SL and liters was direct connection between Uia line and tha ordinary railway system However that of uwrfcsd a a empty confirmed Kuny Bcfaoole. "22nd June, 1889," wlrilo Uw body of tbe notice intimates tto rise to take phm "on sad alter tto 24tb June next," end is attached to ttoareouaft 8ih June ALARMING FIRE IN COLLIERY. thought they might safely ny that tea number of oommunicante tod rttenbOper enb during twalve veer. Tto records of ormnatione stowed little yeer.

Oamdrarood. Brecon i WilHamLawi, Bulwark, Xdword UauriMn, High-rtrert, Brseta i David Morgui, r041 1 TO A OrtmrthanhfovUHyei ltoSf wta fta-dte Bdslfoyk Atadiv street, Brecon sW.Wkb,H1lMUfrt.Brwont teen Whitfiahl. Blgh-steert, Brsaou and T. Weetton, High-1 street, Bnaeu. THE CHAIBMAHB CHABGE.

Blr Jontn Baiut, iu addressing ths grand Jury, the custom of tto chairman ol tlis aid It wu FATAL ACK3IDENT AT CLYDACH YALE. fatal took THE PROPOSED EXTENSION OF THE SJSfflT CARDIFF FREE LIBRARY. rete-I YliSTERDATS POLICE. CARDIFF. (Before tbe Mayor, AMerman D.

Joxxa Sir Moewuut Sfiomesv, aud Mr. F. Fwtm.) Matsu ok a Covrirx. Fotnck Kelly. St, Writer Thames sf dnnltarman on beard tto Writer Tnwn rartriinn from tto previous triennial period, beyond a noteworthy dtininuifon la tto number Mr.

George Humplireys Davies, a nuingsurrejor An alarming fire occurred at a Urge colliery I of HSKiJtlSiSli imvtestnmUraw fcwfoy.SralfowWiire, on Tuejday. file bottom of end valuing tramway, prevad tint lto tramline ihi shafccausht fire andtto flames spread to tlie and valuing tramway, proved were phyrically connected with the London and Harbouxt Trust Bail and On Monday a accident pfooe at Perchs Colliery, Blaemflydacb. Martin Evans aud table. The roar of tto flames warned the own forking ia tlw mine, end ttoy escaped through mother shaft. Three bones were burnt te death.

court at those sessions to a fow works upon1 tied, but five or six yean ago Chert were usd nit schools met at tlw Town-ton Cardiff; on till sn oral oarae of die kind outstesding, ao that I ToewUy sftemoon, whan tto Mayor (Alderman D. the rote of ordination of priests had been titan that of dsnooae sapid Jouu) presided. Ttara ware ebopneent TWylor, ConaaUlors Bietog, Benden; and Peter MOUNTAIN ASH SCIENCE ANDlpWn complainant. I G11 w(r forking in a beading: They had me hfo toblt to do eo very shortly, tanuss hoj8 jor ghotring, end plscsd cure, back to I of Parliament. It I WVl nw ragu siwhv rauww mwiwj.wwiim lw doubted whether tbsre waa vary much utility which failed.

Tbe unfonunate men went I Carmff, wu charged with assaulting JotaJ omw, ft, matter of the asms venal, at Botetest an tee Ekhinst. Mr. Hendco*ck appeared for ttw Friecutrfo defence wee tbrt tto captain would not gtva tto uwo any monsy.brt to TgggSttmm.a.m, THE obliged to relinquish her undertaking and return home, whileth public generally shook thrir toads over the project, and few ware now' left who bollevtd in the possibility of th sell levs meat. At the moment of emtaridng on Ibis ill-fated trip Mr. Gooch tad been (footed number of Parliament for Criefchde, a seat he retained for BO yean, being twice again returned at subsequent general elections.

The aieseter which tod occurred in no way dlslieartened him. He set to work with reoewed energy Immediately on Ids return to enonurage Ito raw In whom bop waa unt dead. Capital wae raised for tto purport of laylnj anotiwr cable and for the recovery of the oh on. Tlie naforluuite osperienoe of Uw past bad tto uaful effect of foaduig to the Si fSiurij wVi re-fittird mid made ready far another ran libel OH MB. HERBERT Gf LADSTON E.

auspices at Mr. Gooch and few others, a new I company wits formed or organised out of Ibos in The mails from India bring intefflgsnce ffirt tiw WWreohOot! tiw matter, and whilst engaged in a near tore tto charge exploded, killed on thrspot and Owen badly deceased leaves a family. ARDWICK RAILWAY DISASTER. triennial period tto 24tii of Aagm August in tin practice; but it had tide value, teat ft id, at all sventa that tto chairman, having to (be Acta of tto year, was enabfod to I SmS tafui Ltair attention td (hose which might to 5 shows read tl call ttoir Injured. tee wlM was la Tto ooa If (tto auniratoty of Ids es marking tto does of a year, or of Zfortb Weetern and ways, gave evidence generally iu favour of tin cjsstrn- firm aI til fiWtellflHti- Mr.

Sugrue, mansfer nr the tramway company: said during Uie whole time he tod been connected with the company its lines had been rated at one-fourth, and as a railway. Tiicy carried tin-pis tre on the lines from Morrbtnn and Cwmbwifo, and goods from tto Great Western line to Oyster-mouth in taliway trucks. Thera wa also a through parcel service to the Mumble. Foe tlw TCipcmdente Mr. Lewi contended (hat if track were run on tiw tramway system the act was illegal.

Thera was distinct between tiw trunwuy und a rallwjy, lot whereas Uw latter had to porohaae and enclose the fond on which its rails were kid tlw latter did not, end that vii rceoeiuMd br Uti LfglilitBTi The Oourt ununlmoudy round that then were such distinctions between tto tearaway now in ted by tee Act as question and mil way defined by tiirea years, iu rotation to ordluot km, they would lw fouowlng I) August 24, And tto ending i Daring tto tbrea years to oraslned for that CARDIFF BANKRUPTCY COURT. Tuesday. (Before fib. Bagfotrar Laxauer.) Tu Faiuu of a CoMMiesuF tbe ossa of A Hotisy, bones end commission agenttiw debtor iwied ll1 was about i but be oould not give the oourt any iolbrmetion where tiia money had gooe-Tha Bagfotnr arid Un esse tod been thoroughly thrashed out before him in Gbamtanfc and tee ersmlnatinn dlocesA nr gave and 49 prisata. During the time ears dlnsissoty to, 88 Price, and Mr.

J. L. Wheatley (townhrii). Tto Towx-ouxx having reported upon tba offset of tbs Act, Mr. ganau said tbe Stefans meatim ttoy bed to cowMte wu whether it would to naoesury fo, i-v utt--.

mikA twDviftkm for tbrn idnound artrad tael Oa Koodtj ivMugi tba I tbtaa oomom of tooaooa team am mtirai tbo wlMiad butidlufr Hs tbooeht Kotutftlft ittf tbs Sod Bton Bruct AJttri I Hotel Ihi pioport of Jota tbejtttfKht peoceedMvStto wdrfc sod eoly take hutod tiio priue te tho iCiidWU of Umoq tbe Uth Inst toSfcBwcfttatekfeg ttocbair.tvferred tEftonx. ariiStod always tritttot ftwonM JgSSZL tfolhS to wall tlisy could grant something towards and tschnieri sdwation. SafSd tht to very oamfnDy eonsidK I CsOoudng prixse ttom wu something be did think they ought to very oamfnDy eonsidK on, of Blains, was aantto UA with hard labour Ora tod rireatotameeven for TBEOEGAB. (Before Ur. J.

G. Joxa andDn Tuft of WxAsaxg Affauxu-William DISCHARGE OF THE ACCUSED POINTSMAN. Aftst hairing the evidence against tto signal-nun Swift, charged with causing the dentil of several parsons in tlio Longright rrilway eccident, ills Manchester mngistratss onTuesday disciurged lh accused, believing no Jury would convict of nmnsiaugliter uniter the circ*mstance. Vacsmx Betorfr ended feat August to ordained for gam Irtura tttmissocy to, 89 ducou and 88 1 If they divided tto pereona ordained to tbe dlacoaate during tto thru yesre which an dad thalr tto Atlantio: of Oxtod, 8 I from Mam. Lewie, of London, exnressea sincere i E.

and tsnoovS an unqualified apology to Mr. Glad-1 the Qp yjg TOWN disentitle tho appellants having Uie special Jin! ice." or tto magic Story of th3rart co*ck-oat. I fr.Abol Thomas applied for a case, and tills h'TfcSa Bt UU IUUli tfee ntaounted to 80. All tha dabta ware eon-tnciifi to Us wifo without Ms kaowladga, and bbtaritura ton srisod and eoidTHe had lit of July, tto Greet out of tto Tbamas, arid h-rtlnf landad mmmmtmm I hither end of the cable at Valeutfo, proiBBfi Ittonca oatheUteononeoftbemoitmomeotouB vcyigte tea world baa jet known, A thrill passed for ttw of mort interest. Sr Josapfa igSEHriy lto Acta dialing with naval defence and with local government of Scotland, and than referred in some detail to tto Acts relating to the sale of Horseflesh, tiw prevention of indecent advertisem*nts; and lbs Stamping of weights and measures.

of tto eetssUshnwot of a Booed of baronet said that it was of that agriculturists should for that branch of tnd to whom tiwy oould apply, end whose basinets it to make himself informed upon everything which affected ikeir Interests, wiih reference to the Intermediate Education Art for Wale, tbe chairman raid (tot they in that oounty had a vary goad otitogeiu tto toeu of Breoon. It wasuotso in very oounty ol Wales sums counties were sadly slwrt of tto means of iuteemediati education. Bfr Joseph, hiving alluded to the Lunatic Amendment Act, commented upon the cure In tlw calendar, woraremo at buco*k John Price, 30, labourer, pleaded guilty to lawfully and maliciously wounding Susan Price, id to unlawfully and maHrioufly wounding Joan Williams, at tto 22od ot August. -Prisoner xpred contrition, mud staged that ho had been struck first by one of tha woman with a piece of iron. Dr.

Whyte, called by lb chairman, said that tto wounds were not of a dangerous ibtfnu. Xou Mscxnns SS Fries qxlsa). and XL urrmlfaawiuMgt 9 T. B. FktUlps (prise).

juxocoi x. js. rn tto necessity of estabBsblng in tto outMng 8e-trlcts of ttw town good UMrengh MCtofaal wtoota. Tba Mato erid tto would boom question now wu wbrther ttoy sl mend (hot no aceommodAtioa stoeod to fo the new hbrary buiktlng foe tbe hm and hfeh is apvMgriiig in tto begin it mu anss of iwk oft HbUsOw or a Sxovxs -David Morgan. criSec, of Komo.i&d botKI TiiTnngTrg fib Sltt Tredegar.

Srawkncritoara Pavfefi ftoedSf.wltb tea ritaraatiraristvrei WBfc UCdiHfiQfWflinHG of tto Grartoaad days Is fog Mr, a--r, at Osmbridgs, Dutton, London, 1 Lampeter, 11 Hoantiaut in tiieofa*gy of Dtutom, 0 Bcentiatu in divinity oC Lmpeter, IS: certificated etudeqti of Engiijh Ttootagical Orilegse, who bad passed tto "prettmlnaty sxsmlnotion of candidates for holy orders," menus, 8ft In September fas also for tto dloceu six dsacou and six Of tto former fim ware jwedi I through two hamlspherea when, aboat a fonnight I laterTUs uterjlb nisi aboeb'eauad from Hearts Coataht; I Bettis ailnTlfireiyit. I Mmmunrt T. F. H. White (Snd art reboots.

(Prise). FhiUlp, ANOTHER POISONING CASE, At MaldantoadeuToesdayBltonMIlfo was charged I Mgdre ta Lmdao r-" with attempting to murder tor mottoe end etep- tto aaore to hifoim Lord father, with whom to reeldod at QuttmBtt U- that tto Ifswfoundfond abora end of tto Maidenhead. It le alleged psfoortr tod threatened ru laid txMiay, and tee mort gHSw, and jMtodky om 1 perfaet communication eetablfoheA batwafn Eag-chlorid of lime waa found in the sugar basin. smerie. God nans it may to a tasting whilst on Tuesday morning some was placed in mm gg Kaf Qountrv." wu a sober ths tea.

find EXCURSION TO LONDON, it meant to dvlUeeUoa tea worid i understood. A project which allcenttatein divinity 'of Bt. Davids Qllbg. Lao It wu right to add that tiure baa bent improvement in tto avenge quanta of rod need at ordination examinations, nrk nmdoCMl Iun.Fanidd. GaooKP A Lset Joseph Greavu.

who tod basnriurged with, being drunk and Moaf lo.ytp. unfit for rapatitioo on the 17th of wu now fined EL or R.ilD ON A LEICESTER CLUB. PRISONERS BEFORE THE MA.GIS-'JHAl'ES. it Leicester Police- court on Tuesday, Aaron Godfrey was charged with keeping a houee known tlis Ellesmere Club, Ciiariaa-strest, as a gaming heure, and forty-ear en other persons whh using the premises for gaming. Sixty policemen mads tto raid on tho premise at on early hour on -Thevifoy, ana arrested every person therein, Th Chafarmaa Mr.

SAXSXXS UMa won wrnua DO aaam vreiaugnmwiBiMU on thrir suocres. Intel; SbarnSrebta tifefoud fartW art. tokmg te.auy partfcufer ctueftii tens yrenwUebuded August USB, on tha rnotiou of AMannan TATiog, eaeouded maka pruar uurifo for tea aureate of their LnSrt flftetii dosing tto pnsvious I by Mr. Prexx Forex, it wre rerelvsd tc roegmmud coumry dspemfed on tto uu tto tSWai perkxL Be ter ttore appeared to ba al ttottba bu Bbrerjr extenriouto procudwi xMi who woe raalty Uw anwirepre. 1 at ottte on the Dure radicated, aud teat no previ- of Me education falling oft But whereu only thru of the of any kldS, -wd bla wages only i 88a a weak: EeWfelir cbOdrem Tbe examination was ckwad.

Mr. Gcofgs David for tiw debtor. oeucxxD Coax. Tba case of William grocer, wu further adjourned hi cedar that the (raster, Mr. Collins, ought examine (to defictauer account which tod been filed.

Tn Result ay Aoxxcultcxai. Dxnmenov-Altort Chtsc, milk irilar, Curdiff, mm up for examTuatlon. Iu auawer to tto Official Stocw, tto debtor atated that to had tow a farmer ta CHoocaatenhira, where to lost all Ms money When to saw things were gofw wrong to tod rale of nil his offset end paidbb ereOtore ter as tbs monre want. Hs wu now selling milk fn Cardiff for Mr.Oouaeri, of Axbridg irt unmd atwut 88a. a week.

Mr. Goa Dario, whoappaared for the Jbrot asxsd tto tto oxominatiou ebould to alnaad, and tita Batrar assented. Fium or a snouidsvi flgwWi John Mow builder; BridgenA wai uxt aximlned. He stated that he suited fa butinsss without end. borrowed money from tto HUonri Wslee.

He bed en Inisrert ta some proper faiifettort wift but ba bad emignsd thatto tto bank. Tto examination wu SCHOOLBOYS ON STRIKE AT BtBEBSBEAa Hoiytoaft sctoolaaEa Tto eohori etrih whan tto boy At tto allowed. and art rtooh until I education did-tbe ban bm subjected te flftean consecrated during tto former period were altogether new eburotoe (one of teeuereo having teuwMbadbeen QBueemK daring tto Met three jure were oatfosly new having yssrs); six of tea whieb tod toon oor daring tto feet three yuan were eotfosly Tbe Great WeaternBallway Company era sdrar-1 'muaM tea ttwmlnda tbiu dbMp 9Monioas to London by (nlu bw aMlbtd and tenrwf Dwiiim and tbn prindpil itrtVwi I uram hnd st hngth btlwtta thnt tom wd Lrdnftr on frtday I nTorn rnmtw Tho Mfc font WMtcoompHbd; Mtudny steht naxt Tm fust by. Mn I tto in tba ttabtaiag Rirdte but thou who go up Oo Fndny night and return oovsrod and raised, and that also extended on Monday tom to pay olightly Atlantio. MariS ingemrity tod ood- FhoiUtUe are also effsred to wunicaUU QtterKi djgtauca and broutet remote couttaonte who goto London oa Friday ot Batarday nlgto te gaaMng laugh ol sate other.

On Ua court that tto I return on Tuesday, Wsdtwaday, or Friday, aod for rttnrn gland alter tto completion upcu a graver chary of MtlauriT MWUt-1 tho who go up on Saturday to return ou lto tuk ia byfeg ilia two eablrt fare tf0fn. I Thureday or Saturday tollowtng at toP n4rilfistotywas pfeaead to ooniar au Daniel Goote communicated It did but i wa granted. BSCOSfD COURT. (Bator Judge Gwii.tx Wicuaxs. Yice-cbairman Mcmm.

ABRAiuv H. Txomas, (V. Honan, and W. J.LxvneJ ncxixe a roexxr at xeavb Farm. Joseph Wilcox, 87, afi'a Hy Blokr," te, was indloted tor stealing a puree ami IBs.

4d. in money from tee person or Margaret Jenkhis, at Heath, os September 12. Mr. Uoyd Morgan, M.P, pro-cutad. The prosecutrix went from (kynant to Hsalh Fair, and oo leaving Uw fair missed tar pone.

Folic sergeant Price, who was acting detective st the foir, noticed lto priaotwrs suspictoue nuwmsents, and arrested him, after Ming thrown to- ths ground by tin. Ho saw prisoner throw the purse under a standing." it we restored to ttw prosecutrix dboeily afterwant. Prisoner eald to found tlie purse, and waa about to taka it to tto polio when eppeetondedL Two previous convictions were proved against tha prisoner. Tto Vios-chairauus said prisoner was a notoriously tod character, and the court seutenetd him to trrelra months bard labour. nrarr xr vsorouioar wres, Prsdsrick Stevens, 18, and Jams Jsuklns, 1.

itb recently inmates at Heath Eeformatory ibool, pleaded guitty to stealing 20., the mousy George Ashton, master tto achoo September 6. Previous having proved egunrttto prfowwn, ftevmw ww for six moutta and Jenkins for three With bard labour. non sun. labourer, was indicted for value ttw servitude, Ha wa now sent to prison for eigfitteb hard labour. Mpr ram xxatx.

8nriti IdboOrert Wiw charged with Ma EfM IMHWIMUM'-OTtre instructed for the wn Kurnnotn attack on A pxisos wabsu at Tbe grand jury found a true Mil against Josspb I Sing, 30, leboursr, who wu indicted foe obtaining I mid to within tto knowledge of tto I rough treatment hr 1 rive with sticks and bad passed away, is van, to ttoir maka tit* mort of it. the daeUnsoftto wmfctog men It a -of local with by a number nga ware in-' reoltetlOEtti D0NT MI88 JgggefeS tan ol tto Orest lesfeenfi aewgpesriug ta tto mwvFrera XoreataSum for tto ft it semi wtatii ware, therefore; a clear additim to tto machinery of tto dfooeee. Oa tto whole, it rafely to asserted ttot tto Church tad reeds end wu making study progress, so tar It wu pos-ribie to draw aqy safe fafereaoe from tto outward SSStttori rUiallmw muutertfoa ww reoolrod (Mbfr noted from tbe ObuiMsfiM, and (still more than existed among Uwuelma taj otonca whieb might serve to aoebnnt tor or so 1 REGISTRATION OF PLUMBERS AT CARDIFF. A crowded meeting of eperativ ptambers of; Cardiff wubold as ttoir lodge roomth CHove nM ww raoalrod tiZPw.ZjS. Calm, Imsirtaavsan- isyaa spA-S.

btel LONDON MUSIC-HALLS. THE COUNTY COUNCIL AND THE LICENSING COMMITTEE. It lbs London County Council on Tuesday afternoon stormy discussion aroee respecting tha conn of procedure on Friday and Saturday next Is regard to tto granting of musIo-baU licences, Several mamtors strongly repudiated tea idea thafetto recommendations of tto Hctoilua com Aittee; especially regarding tlw withdrawal of Jieeacu from the Boyal Aqusrlutn, Trocadsro, aud jihffl KmITm. MM In MW WffrtW Hnlwo Wtlitel Mia should have a perfsetiy frsefiS in matter. Bvaatoalfy oaztalu rules foe the ttidutt of Uw councnwaro agreed upon.

OYBTBBSL It is an tvunrily acknowfotoad 1 tkeOswsn resellsl rt gs Wfoms i TALK OF THE TOWN Mka rtttn I and.AmsrlcA oftito due to bint for tbe work hs bad so out. and for tea msmBoue fort te tee of whlcb to bad In Kovsmtar, 1898; been offered, sad bed 1 of tha Great 1 1 and tto I ban. Mm to ask ban presented and found i case should be remitted for I tto court saw no objsettoi priaouer would sot to arraUr In attendance would be tto eettart and gtva ttw aariaaa ond glra tltafr and tbrt, on a Mpt.in ttoTbwaSS OarRKttu, Flam tore on Thureday, tkc CrawB Ooun of the preridenoy of tto palliate each aHenatlon. they tod tar for bumii latino. to toUiTed I WIKDBOB HOTKfo OurTwo BhHBng oriq THE TRAMWAY STRIKE AT CARDIFF.

The Cbrdiff tramway rasa risamiff work on ai tba routaa on Tnaadsy, gad it is to to hoped teal what disputes ariu iu falara eom mesas of art tUng thorn with lam lneotreoaiasno to tto pubffo ttoo la qatailad by tto stoppage of the treme sad 'h'alariSri' Haflttfeforeitoat arrived atonllondar dfSSrSIbe nun been out fora' day, miglife bam tow adopt. previons toanyatianiptWng made (o turn tba rwi pandbM.wUah wen tit* causa of all tto annejuca. numea cai mxnfe would foelscms dlificuita ta infooting am- Ignelly Massed 'tto ou ttw wbofak is proi A luneheoa ww kiran totto memtore at the' fany ut" Jo re). Ifarers. W.

ft unawlmottriy tb 1o Umrally oon ranere of A rate of tit*nks to the airman tiUu Improved 57day dMUa deaST Hut to took tba tTuS chair oriv on tba nadintaadtag teat hs i md an tha following year bu Jurtl tore Again; ta 188ft to formed ene of tto wiwu eatrSted tto teik of isytag caUa frmn Freocc. 1 Bit taljafltuLI Mustard Z.m. it would to who heard lha sen (bu i of them at tba smui that sRnnM! with that ftNrtl Wfi.

Western Mail from Cardiff, South Glamorgan, Wales (2024)


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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

Address: Suite 313 45115 Caridad Freeway, Port Barabaraville, MS 66713

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Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Baton twirling, Stand-up comedy, Leather crafting, Rugby, tabletop games, Jigsaw puzzles, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.