Lexington Herald-Leader from Lexington, Kentucky (2024)

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Page Fourteen Friday Afternoon The Lexington Leader March 22 1940 Miscellaneous For Sale Money To Loan DO IT EVERY TIME BY JIMMY I1ATLO American News Writer Given Six Months? Suspended Term For Violating Code vdNoyGuy? HE MUST BE THE FOREMAN ON THIS JDE NAW- BUT THE RJNMV PART OF IT THE GUV 6A3SIN' TO IS onlv The boss CONTRACTOR WANT ADS CLOSING nui Want Ada accreted until Bp (or The Lcaington Herald: 10 a (or The Lexington Leader: 8 pm Saturday for the Sunday Herala-Leader RATES Combination Both Papers 11 Word Minimum One Insertion per word I 04 Three Inaertlona per word 01 Pour Insertions per word 8 10 Seven Insertions per word I 44 JUMP INSERTIONS (Not In consecutive orderl Three Insertions per word I 10 Pour Insertions per word 0 43 Seven Insertions per word 48 DISCOUNT 10" discount allowed on transient classified advertising paid cash In advance ADJUSTMENTS All claims for adjustments and refunds must be made within 10 days The Herald-Leader assumes no responsibility for error after the first InwrtioD Ads ordered by telephone are accepted from persons listed In the telephone directory on memorandum chargea only in return for this courtesy the advertiser Is expected to remit promptly CANCELLATION Changes and cancellation must be made before 10 a for afternoon publication and before for morning publication PHONE 4800 ges-the girders are put in loose TO ALLOW FOR NEAT EXPMsiSON ALSO THiS 0ULDIN6 WILL GUTTLE ABOUT FOURTEEN FEET AFTER UP VtyK KNOW WHV CEMENT 19 VMITE? Tb HEAR HIM THINK HE 'A ub MAKES BUILT EYE Ry- MAKES THING SINCE PYRAMIDS MORE NOISE THAN THE DONKEV should have known the code's pro-visions against "fabricating concerning the Japanese army an offense which he stated was particularly serious in the present wartime conditions Although Young had offended against this code the judge continued extenuating circ*mstances were found in the fact that he was an American a man of "outspoken and his work was that of a foreign correspondent whose duty was to report the news Therefore the judge declared he had decided to impose a sentence of six imprisonment with a three stay of execution Directly addressing Young through a court interpreter Judge Ilotla rautioned him against repeating the offense In the future This morning's court session wee open to the public for the first time since the trial began I was present along with a representative of the Japanese foreign office and William Turner second secretary of the American embassy Representatives of the Japanese press also attended as well as lawyers and a few other Japanese My husband appeared in excellent health despite 62 days of detention half of which were spent in the police jalL ENGINE Listening ID A Sidewalk Superintendent strut HlS STlJFFTeLL DO IT EVERY TIME THANX Tb ALAN THOMAS tobowkxcamaSx Paris To Hold I District Meet of Parent and Teachers In Mt Sterling Wednesday Personals rig Dr Peter Wiseman left Thursday 1 Jllircll JLayman 8 Lcilguc for Toronto Canada where he will Plans Bourbon Session I ErS'ASr Mrs Faber and son Johnnie PARIS Ky March 22 (Special) iGuerrant left Wednesday afternoon A district meeting of the Lay- for a visit with her husband and man's League of the Christian his father in Fort Thomas Mr church will be held in the parlors Grace Edwards' Miss Alice Lewis of the Paris Christian church at and Miss Erma Gilbert are guests 0:15 next Thursday night of the Miss Gilbert's sister Mrs Dr Ewart Wylie of Birming- Byron Crouse They will be Joined hamAla will be speaker and by Miss Evelyn Brinnon Sunday in the Cynthiana chorus under di-1 Lexington They form the Edwards action of Cason will present the musical program Delegations from Cynthiana and Carlisle are expected to attend Easter Services A union sunrise Easter service will be held at 6:30 o'clock Sun day morning at the Paris Presby terian church with the pastor Dr Clotfelter in charge: The public has been invited My vou what co VOU KNOW ABOUT THAT? life Used Cars TAKE A LOOK AT THESE LATE MODEL USED CARS 1938 Chrysler Sedan $49500 1038 Dodge Sedan 42500 1038 Plymouth Coach 42500 1937 Studebaker Sedan $4500 1937 Plymouth Coupe 34000 1036 Chrysler Coupe 28500 1936 Studebaker Coupe 1937 Ford Sedan 1936 Pontiac Coupe 1986 Oldsmobile Coupe 1936 Ford Coupe 1935 Ford Coach 1934 Chev Coach 1032 Dodge Sedan 1035 C-35 Int 1-T Truck 34500 1937 Ford 1-T Truck 28500 1835 Ford 1-T Truck 10500 1 Hennessey Hearse 29500 LEE MOTOR CO 250 Main St Phone 1255 JAS PYLES Sales Mgr 1840 FONTIAO Deluxe Torpedo four-door sedan Radio and heater Bave 530090 Jaek Cohan Phono SO Pari Ky 38 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN S44S 37 CHEVROLET TOWN SEDAN 345 38 PLYMOUTH COACH 275 38 CHEVROLET COUPE 395 37 DODGE DELUXE SPORT SEDAN 375 38 PLYMOUTH COUPE 425 34 CHEVROLET SPORT COUPE 38 FORD TOWN SEDAN 38 PLYMOUTH DEL 4-DR SPT SEDAN 445 34 STUDEBAKER SED 195 34 FORD COUPE 36 FORD DELUXE TOWN SEDAN 36 FORD 14-TON FICKUF FORD COUPE 37 CHEVROLET COUPE Cooke Chevrolet Co East Mala Phene 2463 CLOSED SUNDAYS SB Chev Master Sad Clean 8418 38 Ford Tre Tudor Radi Heater 3M ST Ptvmeuth Deluxe Beert Sedan Ml JT Pedes Catie Nadi Neater Ml 3S Plymouth Coup Sees Today 221 3 Chev Sod A Money 311 SB Chev Del Set Sedan 211 ART QUANTRELL Main 263 Main BOWLING SCORES MATCH GAME Frankfort VOU'D 1 THE Evangelistic quartet of Kansas City Mo and will sing at the Second Nazarene church In Lex ington Mrs Charles Barr and son Charles Thomas and Mrs Edna Lowe of Lexington arrived home Wednesday afternoon from a visit with relatives in Lexington Miss The Rev and Mrs Williams have returned to their home here after spending the Members of Coeur de Lion Com- winter In Florida Mrs John mandery Knights Templar will jjytte local president and Mr attend In body the 10:45 clock I Pickett proJect leadef ttended church the all-day meeting of the home-Sunday morning I ma(erg cu Tuesday at the home Conteel Under Way of Mr Wolf In Nicholas District elimination contests of I vjie the Kentucky Forensic League ini public speaking were under way I Mr: -M11 at Paris high school today Com-1 £aubJe5' Jacqueline of Hunting-petitions in poetry reading Inter- arpfye todaJr pen pretive reading radio speaking the Easter holidays with Dr and oratory and extemporaneous speak- Mrs Boggs Mrs ing were listed with participants Lapsley of Danville spent Thursday from the various Central Ken- with the Rev and Mrs tucky schools The American Travis Miss Yolanda Grinager Legion oratorical contest was to be I will play the cello at the Good Frl conducted Jn connection with the day service at the Presbyterian other events Winners will take church at 7:30 tonight The week part In the state contests in Lex-1 Df special services will be con ington next month I eluded with a prayer service Satur Flay Scheduled I day night and the regular services "The Gay Pretenders" a drama Easier will be presented by the senior class of Clintonville high school at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the school Godoey FoU nd OUlUietl Miss Mary Louise Price is the di-1 Robert God bey 15 of near Som-rector The cast Includes Ken-1 erset who with Robert Nelson 15 NEW 10-FOOT olectrlo display counter used two weeks No down payment Taka up monthly payments Phona 603 5-X FOR SALE Several good used Formal! Tractor from (its up Terms McCormick Deorlng Store Phone 8 Winchester Ky FLOOR BANDING MACHINES New American Spinner and American Light Eight Both fib Oood Business Coblent Georgetown Ky Livestock Poultry Registered I white boar is months 130 Phono 0949-X NICE PAT BROILLER8 and fryers for sals Dressed or on foot 1408 Versailles Rd 1S90-X FOR Twenty fine young barred Plymouth Rock hens excellent breeding stock (135 each Call Bob Hlllenmeyer 851 after 7 FOR Tram of good mules Also potato planter Phona 4818 FOR BALE OH Two teasers Phone Co 434 PO 3 rings Winchester Ky REGISTERED Aberdeen-Angua bulls Huston Beall Jr Winchester Ky Three miles east on ML Sterling Road BABY CHICKS also started chlcka on two and three weeks prof ltmakers Leading breeds approved by licensed Stale Inspector Oct prices Based shirks Kentucky Hatchery 131 Wear Fourth StresL BRING YOUR MARES to registered Jack Evans Osorgatown Ky Route 1 Phono S404 QUALITY baby chlcka Started ehleka Sexed ehleka Approved and Pullorum tested by licensed elate Inspector All popular breads Also poultry supplies brooder stoves and feeds Phone 3311 day or nighL PAYETTE HATCHERY Corner High nod Anglin Versailles road PUREBRED Jersey bull Poland China boar Toooenberg goat German shepherd dog Nancy Henry XXX Winchester Ky PET8 Mel puppy child'g pet $8 Phone 4338 FOR EASTER give the children a beautiful little collie pup 8 each Phone County 8308-JX FOR Young rabbits New Zealand rede two and three pounds each fat If Griffith Route Bevsrly avenue Parle pike Lexington Ky Wanted To Rent spar for one or two weeks by business man single everything must be furnished including garege In restricted section of city Box 188 Herald-Leader Rooms For Rent NEWLY FURNISHED bedroom In brick residence near East Main 3 weekly garage meals If desired Phone 8813 ROOM private entrance furnace garage dose In home-like 449 West Third 10 DIXIE Large nicely furnished single or double room next to bath very reasonable 331 RODEB AVX Room comfortably furnished Lavatory tn room For bual-nea women or student Close down town Phono SM4 FURNISHED or unfurnished large with private bath Ill Kentucky Phone 043 Avo- ROOMS WITH BOARD NICELY FURNISHED room with lavatory Real horns cooking Table boarders solicited ITT North Broadway 8014 139 EAST MAXWELL-Larga desirable furnished room Alee table boarders wanted Phone 8334 (8 and $8 PER WEEK home cooking Stt blocks South Limestone 134 Warren Court Phono 8681 ROOM AND 48 end 80 week good meal nice room ell East llax-welL 483X Apartments EFFICIENCY Private bath private entrance acreened-ln porch 804 North Broadway Ext ATTRACTIVELY furnished 3-room apartment sink In kitchen privets entrance 80 week bills paid Phone 1515 ASHLAND Upper 8 rooms sun room heat water refrigeration Adult Phono 3810 or 1038 ATTRACTIVELY furnished 8-room apartment private bath Prlgldalre neat Beml-furnlihed apartment Furnished room with kitchenette Prig Id air Mias lfcConathy 1181 MODERN 4-room apartment Efficiency kitchen private entrance furnace heat Bills paid Must ha seen to bo appreciated 831 Cramer Phona 4333 or 8044 FURNISHBD 1-room apartment private bath private entrance 130 Lafayette Avenue NICE POUR-ROOM apartment Steam heat water and refrigerator furnished 1330 Fontaine APARTMENT FOR Nicely furnished breakfast room kitchen hullt-ln feature frlgldalre tile bath telephone and garage bills paid 310 Caatlewood drlva Phona 1383 Threa-room apartment first floor rink In kitchen Newly decorated utilities paid II per week 838 Weat High street ATTRACTIVE two-room apartment completely furnished bills paid reasonable East end to couple Phona 3041 DESIRABLE unfurnished three-room apartment South Lima near High Apply Arthur Grave Phone 405 or 1881 82 Mentello perk completely furnished 8-room apartment private home Phone 8331 LYNS APARTMENTS- (Downtown I High and Upper new attractive two end three room furnlshsd and un furnished All hills paid steam heat See Mr Foote on premises Phone 1384 TWO ROOMS close In rink frlgldalre beautifully furnished adult 133 East Fourth Phono 4I1I-X Front and back entrance Upper 3 room Modern Furnished Large yard 143 East Fourth DESIRABLE 3-room unfurnished apartment In private home newly decorated private bath and entrance furnace heat Apply 118 Preston Avenu THE CHEVY Ona room furnished apartment AU bills paid Phone 4140 AVAILABLE APRIL Near University unfurnished 4 room bath gas furnace bills paid Phona 455 3 large rooms nicely fur-nlsned sink 8580 week Phone 7514 840 Elm Tree Lan KENTUCKY Rase and Lyndhurat Place furnished hot water heat no agent permanent or transient UNFURNI8HED two or three-room apartment Reasonable rent 301 Rand Avenue Phone B13X 3-ROOM APARTMENT furnished or unfurnished private bath 130 North Han over Phona 3539-Y (3250 adults VERY desirable four-room apartment all outside room Rent (3500 131 Weat Third street Adults only Shinn Phona FOUR ROOMS bath hardwood floor team heat water furnished Good section Close In Call 0112 NICELY furnished four or flva room first floor porches yard garage bills paid 151 Suburban court CHEVY CHASE 3-room unfurnished apartment all bill paid Phona 4140 CROMWELL Apartments Lyndhurat Place Close In Modem furnlahcX steam heat TRANSIENT os permanent Also bachelor apartment SIS IRVINE Lower duplex Unusually nice Flva room tile bath lots of closet 858 Phona 1444 COMPLETELY FURNISHED Two room firit floor private bath Electrolux utilities paid Close in Suitable for small family Stillwell Apartment 304 Lexington Ava Phona ISfX LOVELY 8-room lower apartment hardwood floor Tile hath with shower automatle furnace heel once 1(68 or 3311 Possession a UNFURNISHED five room upper and lower apartment 330 Lexington avenue Apply 361 Lexpigton avenu UNFURNISHED five and two room kitchenette bath private entrance 491 Linden walk Phone 3190-Y CASH LOANS $10 to $300 Look at Low Cost Low Repayment Chart Below Cash Amount Weekly You Payment Including Borrow Principal and Interest $50 Repay 84 Weekly $100 Repay 167 Weekly 11200 Repay 328 Weekly $300 Repay 479 Weekly Time charges ONLY lawful rates Why pay more? TIME FINANCE CO (Incorporated) 101 North Limestone (Second Floor) Phene 300 Lexington By Loans Made In All Surrounding I Towns and Countlea Call Phone or Write Signature LOANS Household ivestock $10 to $300 Guaranty Finance Co (larerparated) Licensed snd bonded to State of Kentucky 233 MAIN ST TEL 682 First Floor (Orner Main Esplanadel LOANS Up to $300 on ROTES FURNITURE AUTOS and other pcraonal property One to twenty months to repay Owned snd controlled by Kentucky citizens PROVIDENT LOAN ASSOC I AT ION tlnrorperatrd) ROOMS 609-610 CITIZENS BANK BLDG (Sixth Floor) A a GILLESPIE Mgr Phone gMl WANTED TO BORROW WANTED TO One thousand dollar at 5 to bo repaid in Installments Professional man with good position Box 184 Herald-Leader Business Opportunities OPPORTUNITY for service station operator with small capital furnish references Phone 1180 Nice location doing good business have good reason for selling Box 111 Herald-Leader Miscellaneous Wanted WANTED 38 need electric refrigerators Phono 800 WANTED TO Used meat block 138 Market Phone 408 HIGHEST price paid for country eggs end chickens Jerry Moore spring at Maxwell Phone 3058 Manure spreader Phone 8843-X Miscellaneous For Sale FOR STRONGER and hardier plants use Pbderal Fertiliser on your beds Towles 4th Street Warehouse Phone 185 FOR SALE recleaned Leipedesa fine 1838 crop fl80 bushel Sow now Hobart James Phone 3040 RECLEANED Korean Leaped! aead The price Is right Cell William Plater Phone 483 County 8133-X NO 10 tobacco seed 1M per ounce while It lasts Phone County 0133-X 10 CU FOOT Kelvlnator Electric meat display case scales meat blocks grinders saws etc City Market Stanford Ky RADIO Reconditioned and fully guaranteed Console and table models These famoua makes Included: Phllco RCA Zenith and others 1 down delivers any model Purcells SEED Irish Gobblers selected stock Butner Produce Oo 350 West Vine St FOR SALE Good rrclraned Korean Lee- Sdm William Dale Phona County 11-K noon or night I REBUILD and sell all makes of electric cleaners Knockout bargain Free trial Term Oatlcy Phona Till LaKoe MOBLEr STEEL SAFE inner door with lock outer doors with combination 405 East Main REBUILT BCALEX meat choppers si leers bakery equipment reconditioned Day horlxontal dough mixer half barrel ca parity second-hand Centura 30-quar cake mixer dough-break bread slleer scaling scales gas hot plate second-hand V-horse power lea compressor rebuilt -horse power Ice compressor second-hand meat display case rebuilt coffee mill Guyton Equipment Oo Ine 43S West Short Phono 3143 ELECTRIC REFHIGERATORX Several reconditioned All fully guaranteed aa low as tun dell ears one I Purcell CAU AT 858 West Short street Lexington to get a bargain In a three-piece parlor eet Party left town must sell cheap for cash Call for Mrs HI1L OOOD USED pianos fine makes priced to sell quick Also one RCA used auto radio Several used trumpets and guitars Chndloto Plano Co USED Phllco Croaley RCA Oeneral All fully reconditioned and Teddy for many years of service 8100 delivers eny of them Chndloto Plano Co 853 West Main FOR Two ona-wheel trailers Very reaeonable Call Mr Humphrey 1398 FOR Certified No 18 Tobacco seed germination 30 ton Timothy clover mixed 10 tons strew 100 So orchard grass 80 bu Lrspedesa All re-cleaned Phono 0593 or 93R Ves Chancellor Substantial Reductions on Several Singer Electric Machines Also Good Used Treadles Singer Sewing Center Short St Phone 257 1415 FOR SALE At Shady Lane Farm fine flavored goat milk 38c par quart Call 7880-X Trade-Ins Reconditioned and guaranteed all makes all prices Standard Typewriter Company Weat Short street opposite Courthouse FOR SALE! New and Used Building Material We carry new rough mountain lumber new dressed lumber new doors and window frames and all kinds of fin lab material and roofing of all kinds Wa also carry Unq sand cement and brick mortar concrete block eta Wc do all kinds of contracting Oct our prices and save the difference Apply te Thurman Wrecking and Lumber Co 1th and Chestnut Sts Phone 4431 FOR Trees evergreens shrubs for shads beauty and flowers Wa have hundreds of varieties Thousands of specimens You select what you want at most reasonable prices walnut Lawn Farm nursery James Phone 3843 Military Road 3 WILTON RUOX 38x83 one telephone cabinet Cheap for quick sale 338 Irvins Road 4838 Send II for 18 verblooming field grown 8 Red 8 Pink a Yellow a White Free catalog Tytex Rose Nurseries Dept Tyler Texas 8 CURIO FOOT 1838 Norge refrigerator to be sold to highest bidder at our store room Saturday March 33 at 11 o'clock a can be seen at Automatic Home equipment Co 321 East Main (Editor's Note: Mr Marjorie Young ef I Houston Tree wife of James Youhg manager of International Neva Service Tokyo bureau eent the following dispatch today on tho suspended sentence given her husband on a charge of violating the Japanese army criminal code In connection with articles written following an extended tour of China) By MARJORIE YOUNG TOKYO March 22 James Young International News Service Far Eastern manager received a sentence of six months' imprisonment suspended for a period of three years from Judge Sanehira Hotta of the Tokyo local court today Mr Young who was charged with violating Article 90 of the Japanese army criminal code in dispatches written following a tour of China was given seven days In which to appeal the sentence If he so desires In addition he will bear the full costs of the court proceedings In reviewing the ease Judge Hotta said that Mr Young was a man of considerable academic education with more than ten years' experience in Japan and hence must assume responsibility for violation of the army penal code even though he pleaded Ignorance of its provisions The judge added that Young of Pike county escaped from the Kentucky Houses of Reform at Greendsle March 12 was captured by a Sharonvllle Ohio patrolman late Thursday Greendale authorl regional high school band contest (there Saturday Services will be held all day Sunday at 420 Plunkett street Sister Ola Tolbert will preach at 3:30 Music will be provided 1 ock by Mary Ross A short program win be given Beginning Monday night Sister Curtis McDaniel of Cincinnati will preach at the Early church in the interest of the Samaritan Club The Twelve Merry Makers of Forest Hill will give a program I April 14 at the Bethlehem Early Church of God Plunkett atreet for Womeng Home Mlwion Miss Frances Smither of Mor tonsvllle is a patient at the Good Samaritan hospital GLOBING OUT ladle's eosta and suit $399 Dreaaee 50c end 15o- Economy Store 118 aoutb MIlL-edv Mrs Bessie Miller is singing each night at the Liberty Baptist church The series will close Sunday with baptizing after the morning service gnd a crowning sermon at night King of Klngs''will be pre sented at the church Tuesday A Kentucky oyster supper will be neld Saturday night at 500 Good Ine street for the benefit of the rally An Easier program will be held dall Keller Ruth Flora Robert Eades Myrtle Spegal George Terry Martha Gailbralth Jayne Eades and Catesby BrameL Prepares Pamphlet Lost And Found Upper plate ef false' teeth Phone lett-x Prom 100 Venice Park extra large white cat with black spots Re-wsrd Phone IIH-Y Red co*cker Spaniel female One-year-old Answera to nama of Penny Reward Phone 0503 Female Llewellyn setter Monday Black and white with brown head R-ward Phone 3491 or 037 Aurora Avenue Fax terrier all black head white and black body Name Pete Reward CWU ISO Friday Brown end white English setter Reward Return 308 Broadway Phone 8033 Notices At the front door of the Payette County Courthouse tn Kentucky on Monday Mrrh as i840 at about the hour of 1300 clock Noon the undersigned wlU sell at public auction for cash to the der tho following stocks and securities raist tlMsum of No 68 for 4 shares preferred stock of Jackson Builders Supply Company ox To' rUSi JhTwm'if (114TO: Cerllftaet Issued by Chicago Title end Trust Company of deposit of 810000 first mortgage ls- bond Tudor Manor Apartments also certificate Issued by Ch'csgo TItle end Trust Company of deposit ol llOO first mortgage bond Richmond OP COMMERCE Lexington Kentucky 500 World War Veteran to join Man o' War Post No 0 Tho can Legion Ex-Leclonnalres pay np your 1040 due Join tho pared Club Boom open until 11:00 attendant OLON IRRIGATIONS Lady a Dr Barnes Phone 1170 UTO RADIO SERVICE ALL MAKES wfUyoSd radio to 1040 cars gdio Is a Business Hot a Sideline Barney 331 Main Phone I WO 8DIO BERV1CX Any make aervleed Purcell Phona 0840 LEGAL NOTICES All peraona having claim 'llnl Bosworth deceased are heerby notified to promptly present the same proven me geouirad by law to William Oea 013 Chttaen Bank Building Lexington Kentucky attorney for the undersigned MINNIE BOSWORTH TTntutrtx of Bosworth deceased All persons having rielmeegalnst ttjj state of Florida Saunders deceased wlu nif prove same according to law and pivsent'tomy office 781 McClelland Bldg Lexington NETTIE 8 SATTERWHITE Executrix All persona having claims against SHARP WELCH FURNITURE CO 130 North Broadway era notified to file properly proven according to lew with my attorney Orover Thompson 1810 First National Bank Trust Co Ion Ky on or before April 18 1840 All petsone Staving an account with said firm are requested to pay seme at once to my said attorney at above address CRAVENS Assignee of Sharp As Welch Furniture Co Male Help Wanted SHORT ORDER Colored Must give good references years experience Age MM 85 BION Outdoor advertising Experienced SHOW CARD MAN-WINDOW TRIMMER Experienced Mens' Clothing Storo Bring ad 1C 108 Esplanade PAINT Must hare car com mission basis Apply Turton Co 115 Paris avenue City ALERT YOUNG High school gradu ate Able to drive car and assist publicity manager 81800 weekly to start Chance for promotion See Mr Bom Hotel Drake 10 a or 8 only Don't phone 18-year-old boy free to leas home for New York to do circulation work 880 month Be Mr Laird 1:80 to 0 pm Hite HoteL DRUG CLERK capable of trimming win doers and making ahow card State age experience and salary expected Writ Bos 105 Herald-Leader MALE AND FEMALE WORLD' LARGEST exclusive health and accident organisation offers outstanding line health accident and hospital poll eies Excellent agency openings In cen tral and Southeastern Kentucky Write or cell In person Saturday or Monday 108 West Short St Lexington Ky Female Help Wanted FREE DRESSES and up to 833 weekly Show Hollywood styled Spring Fashion Frocks No canvassing No Investment Send age and dress size FASHION FROCKS Dept V-3911 CINCINNATI Ohio Business Services Radio Shop 141 Broadway Tubes and repairing work guaranteed ANDREW'S Plumbing and Heating Co Contracting Oeneral repair work Bway at Maxwell Phona 433 Hlght 3548-X PAPBt HANGING Quick efficient eerrlee Reasonable Wilson Phono 3 SO FLOOR SANDING refinlshing and rewax tag Call A Spark for reasonable estimate Phona 0000 1H Arlington SCOTT Psper hanger For quick err ice call John Scott Phone 331I-Y BAUGH GARNER Moves you In Padded Closed Van Reasonable Phone 1440-1441 Charles and John Scott paper hang-ers qnarantee our work Oood wood truck service Call 0833-Y Estimates free XEMLEY BOILER AND MACHINE WORKS Elec trie and aeetylcn welding Ml Short Phono night 1311 Tucker Os wallpaper cleanlnx hanging steaming Walla windows washed Painting Floor reflnlsblng Phono 3088-Y BAsem*nT COLUMNS BEAMS ANGLE-IRONS IRON RAIUNOB FIRE ESCAPES STANLEY 8AUNIER IRON WORKS IN IRON WORK" Furniture Repairing Upholstering FACTORY TO YOU UPHOLSTERY REBUILDING SERVICE Lowest Prlceg Efficient Service FREE ESTIMATES Without Obligation SLEEPY-HEAD HOUSE Phone 3639 415 Main We Work That You May Sleep Use llerald-Leader Want Ads NOl'tt lo Apartments DZSIRABLR four-room unfurnished apartment Warren Brother High and Lime-alone street TWO-ROOM apartment furnished private entrance adjoining bath furnaca heat garag 342 Clifton Phono 0030 BMAU furnished dean comfortable near bath sink private antranc Convenient to store bu 103 Kentucky FIVE-ROOM modem apartment: fully Insulated Forced air gas heat 1401 Ando-bon avenue Call 0430 or 4134 Houses For Rent FURNISHED HOMR south end I-room bungalow completely furnished garage (4000 Bowie 140 Market Phone 1003 NEW five-room cottage Plcadome park Call Mr Virginia Redmon 123 Burley FIVE-ROOM atone full basem*nt furnaca double garage Hamilton park Phones 1330-X day 8431-Y night NEWLY decorated unfurnished 8-room house close In Also attractively furnished house Immediate possession Mias McConathy 1111 144 CAMPSIK 8 room kltchente bath garag Reasonable Cloao In Phono 3913 COTTAGE 153 southeastern opposite Taylor Tire 4 room bath gs electricity Key 151 PhonaHll NICE COTTAOK 134 West Third street four room bath ga electric For adult Only rente 83350 Shinn Phene 014X FURNISHED five room brick frlgldalr garage HI Hlltonle park Phone 3031 NINE-ROOM brick house suitable for two apertmenta or rooming house Warren Brother High and Limestone street Houses For Sale SEVENTH STREET: 0-room from modern nice lot good renter 0200000 NORTH: 1 -story 0-room frame cottas stone foundation Oood repair Let ess show you this one 8380000 NORTH: 1 -story 8-room eton modem extra nice 9450000 KENNIL WORTH COURT: Brick bunealow 8-room mpdrrn Just what you hava been look Ine for 00000 OX ASHLAND PARK: 2-atorr brick tile roof room 3 baths powder room This Is extra nice OOBOOOX NORMAN Phone 674 148 Short A REAL Raw Colonial brick modern equipped 134 Delmont Drlv Just off Versailles A SPLENDID BUY A six-room eottaxo within three blocks ef high school and Unlvaraltr Oood neighborhood Selling te settle an eatate Pries 83500 Liberal term Act quickly la but advie DAVIS WILKIRSON 130 NORTH UPPER Farms For Rent Small farm No tobacco Garden end graaa land House elty water electricity Mrs Oox lOf High Business Location MODERN STORE ROOM tor rent in residential section Approximately 30x05 feet Partially equipped foe grocery If interested call Phone 40X FOR AU eecond floor of building on Short street across from court house Private antranc lavatory reception room and two office Ample Jlllnspaeo Heat and water furnished See Wacb Lexington Herald-Leader office Real Estate For Exchange 100-ACRE farm flva miles Lexington financed Sell or trado for email rent property Also eight-room brick home Mill concrete basem*nt garden garage Outside elty limit University section Box 115 Herald-Leader Jeufel Thief Repents Charge ts Filed Away Magistrate Tom Mooney Thursday afternoon filed away charge of grand larceny against James Kirk 37 of 685 Tennessee avenue a painter who admitted he had taken $100 worth of Jewelry from a home where he had been working but declared he had decided to return the loot because his conscience hurt him Kirk waa arrested Tuesday night after Mrs Bruce had reported that jewelry was missing from her home at 1348 Fontaine road Immediately after he waa arrested Kirk took county police to the Bruce garage where he had hidden the articles He said he had not removed the jewelry from the premises and that he had planned to return it to the house because "my conscious bothered Housing Project Bids To Be Opened Saturday New bids for the construction of Fowler's Gardens and Charlotte Courts slum-clearance housing projects will be opened at 10:00 Saturday morning in the commissioners' chamber at city hall Bids which were taken last November were rejected because a revision of plans was necessary After the bids are opened by members of the Lexington Municipal Housing Commission several days will be required to tabulate them Both the commission and the Housing Authority must approve the bid chosen before the (contract will be awarded Frazier Chapel A church at 3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon The final Passion Week service will be held tonight A supper will be given Saturday night at the home of Mrs Marie Waddy 576 Thomas street for the benefit of the Consolidated Baptist church Prayer services will be held at o'clock tonight at the Pleasant Green Baptist church A chitterling and fish supper will be given Saturday night at 265 Adams street The Little Four quartet will give a program at the Star of Bethlehem church tonight Elder Rawlings will be the speaker at the Early Church of God Sunday March 31 In the interest of the Samaritan Club aMaaooMeeinM Wills Jane Carr waa the winner of first place in an essay contest conducted at Douglass high school by John Ault of the health department and Augustus Mack vocational agriculture teacher at the school The subject was "Home Production of Safe Milk" Rose Claybourne won second place and Lorella Howard third place Honorable mention was given Nannie Coleman Sussie Downey and Mary Elizabeth Carter TWO-ROOM house cfretrlritY water Price 8559 856 dawn 819 month Had-dix Realty Co 138 Market street Phone adv An Easter-egg hunt will be held Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr and Mr Dcnzer Anderaon for the Marble Creek church The John Wesley Group of St Paul A church will give a tea from 4 to 7 Sunday at the home of Mr and Mr Jackson 468 Kenton street Revival services at the Pilgrim Baptist church are still in progres The Rev Cushenberry is preaching The Madam Walker rally group of St Paul A church will have a pew service at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon March 31 Rev If Bryant will be the speaker Mrs Lydia Turpin president The John Wesley group of St Paul A church will give a tea from 4 to 6 o'clock Sunday afternoon at the home of Dewey Jack-son Kenton street RUMMAOC Saturday 1 a 118 North Adr The Lone Star Club of the Main Street Baptist church will meet at o'clock today with Mr Frances Lilly 462 4 Campbell street Miss Woodford president The Little Four of Richmond will present a program tonight at the Star of Bethlehem church On the program will be the Liberty Male Choru Viola Hayden Mrs Champ Will Turner Mr Mack Nannie Sparks and the pastor Mr Tommie Hall Wilson 448 North Upper street will sponsor an Easter tea from 5 to 7 o'clock Sunday for the Dorothy Maynor group of St' Paul A church RUMMAGE St the Market Roue today and Saturday Ad The Sunday school of Quinn Chapel church will have its Easter program Sunday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock Challenge of the Cross" will be presented by seven young ladies and men Mrs Fannie Thurman superintendent All member of the senior choir of Quinn chapel are asked to meet at the church tonight for final practice for the play "The Meaning of to be presented at 7:30 Sunday night Mr Sarah Smith president The Kentucky State Association of Elks will hold its 15th annual convention in Lexington May 5 6 and 7 Dr Wendell state president Lexington Lodge No 27 I of will have its 37th annual thanksgiving service and Blue-grass Temple will have its 25th annual service at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon April 7 at the East Second Street Christian church Amelia Jone secretary The weekly teachers' meeting of Shiloh will be held from 7 to 8 o'clock tonight at the church Prayer services will be held from 8 to 9 Rev II Smith pastor Mr Mary Wilson will servq supper Saturday night at her home 419 Ash street for the benefit of the Bethel Baptist church The public Is invited Dr Eberhardt chairman of I ties stated today religious music in the Kentucky I The report stated that the youth Federation of Music Clubs has pre- was suffering from a bullet wound pared a hymnal containing 100 jn the thigh inflicted accidentally hymns for the use of pastors and with a revolver which he told po-directors of church music The ice he had stolen from a friend pamphlet is not for sale but may near Somerset shortly after his es-be obtained by request from the cape author I Norman Braden superintendent Bourbon Briefs I of the Greendale Institution Joday Miss Gilbert Lavln and Miss aaid that as soon as necessary Alice McClintock Latin teachers in papers were prepared God bey Paris high schools have gone to would be returned to the reform Louisville to attend sessions of the I school The youth had served ap-Classical Association of the Middle proximalely four month the su-West and South Mr Fay Ar-1 perintendent stated when he es-dery Jr and Mr Buckner Wood-1 caped ford Jr will entertain with a I Nelson authorities said was kitchen shower and tea at the Ar- brought back Sunday by his father dery heme Saturday afternoon In honor of the bride-elect Miss Mar-1 AInieii3(X8il To garet Bohn whose marriage to IO William Baldwin will take place Charles Magurean director of early in April Mrs Frederick A the University of Kentucky band Wallis has returned from New will leave Lexington tonight for York where she attended a meet- Harlan to serve as judge in the ing of the national board of di rectors of State Garden Clubs Mrs Durand Whipple has returned from an extended stay with relatives and friends in Little Rock Ark Mr and Mrs Frank Raine will arrive Saturday to spend Easter with Mrs Raine'a parents Mr and Mrs Grover Baldwin Mr and Mrs Gene Lair were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs Frank Sledd in Lexington Tuesday night WILMORE NOTES WILMORE Ky March 22 (Spe Members of the junior class of the Wilmore high school under the direction of Miss Nettie Belle Perkin will present "Lady Spit- fire a three-act comedy at 8 o'clock next Thursday and Friday nights in the Wilmore high school auditorium JThe Ruth Blackford Howard day night Jasper Norma Katherine Wilhoite Ann Lyttle Julia Huston Greathouse Bobby Gorham Paul Holloway Ralph Griswold and Ward Reistcr The cast for Friday night will include Nellie Jasper Wilmetta Turklngton Katherine Wilhoite Laura Woodson Callis Julia Huston David Stewart Paul Shepherd Archie Cleveland Billie Blackford and Arthur Morgan Attend Meeting iiii Huston Richard Julia Huston Kicnara Mrs Blackford local presi- dent of Mrs Esther Ball Mrs William Marquis Mrs Homer Nichols Mrs Lanham Mrs A McCuliah Mrs Sanford Lowry Mrs John Lyttle Mrs Tom Caywood Mrs Ward Elliott and Miss Margaret Louise Lowry at tended the Seventh district conference of the Kentucky Congress.

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Who is the most famous person from Lexington KY? ›

The former ER star and ultimate bachelor turned tequila brand owner and A-list movie star, George Clooney is perhaps Lexington's biggest claim to fame.

How do I contact the Herald-Leader in Lexington, KY? ›

Please email us at interactive-ops@herald-leader.com or complete the form above. We will respond to you within 1-2 business days.

Where is Lexington Herald-Leader located? ›

Lexington Herald-Leader, 100 Midland Ave, Lexington, KY - MapQuest.

Is Lexington, KY a wealthy town? ›

Lexington is the largest and most wealthy town in Kentucky, or indeed west of the Allegheny Mountains; the main street of Lexington has all the appearance of Market Street in Philadelphia on a busy day ...

Who is the most famous person in KY? ›

Most Famous Celebrities From Kentucky FAQ

Who are the most famous celebrities from Kentucky? The top five most famous celebrities from Kentucky are Johnny Depp, Tom Cruise, Jack Harlow, Jennifer Lawrence and George Clooney.

Who owns the Lexington Herald-Leader? ›

The Herald-Leader is owned and published by the McClatchy Company. The paper is one of 29 daily newspaper papers published by McClatchy and is the only McClatchy publication in Kentucky.

Who is the editor of The Lexington Herald-Leader? ›

Richard A. Green is the executive editor of the Herald-Leader.

How do I cancel the Lexington Herald-Leader? ›

You can cancel at any time by contacting our customer service center at 1-800-999-8881.

Who represents Lexington KY in Congress? ›

Andy Barr | Congress.gov | Library of Congress.

When did the Lexington Herald and Leader merge? ›

The Herald-Leader was created by a 1983 merger of the Lexington Herald and the Lexington Leader.

Who is the health reporter for the Lexington Herald-Leader? ›

Alex Acquisto covers health and social services for the Lexington Herald-Leader and Kentucky.com.

What is the richest town in Kentucky? ›


How many billionaires live in Kentucky? ›

Most Billionaires by State 2024
State# of BillionairesBillionaire Rate (per 1m people)
40 more rows

Which is nicer, Louisville or Lexington? ›

U.S. News ranks Lexington and Louisville among the top 150 places to live. Both Lexington and Louisville made the 2023 U.S. News list of the Top 150 “Best Places to Live in the U.S.” Lexington is ranked No. 34, with Louisville ranked No. 75.

Who was born in Lexington Kentucky? ›

List of people from Lexington, Kentucky
Harry Dean StantonActor
Chris StapletonCountry musician
Henry A. TandyBorn enslaved, entrepreneur and building contractor
Walter TevisAuthor of The Hustler and The Color of Money
110 more rows

Why is Lexington KY famous? ›

Most people know that Lexington, Kentucky, is the "Horse Capital of the World" but what they may not know is that the great Thoroughbred stallion also named Lexington (in honor of the city of his birth) is credited with helping gain and solidify this title for the Bluegrass.

Did Randy Savage live in Lexington KY? ›

Randy Savage and Miss Elizabeth: "Macho Man" Randy Savage lived and wrestled in Lexington before hitting it big in the mid-1980s with the World Wrestling Federation, as WWE was then known. His father, Angelo Poffo, promoted wrestling shows in the region under the International Championship Wrestling federation banner.

Is anyone famous buried in Lexington Cemetery? ›

In addition to the Clays, many of Lexington's and Kentucky's most famous families have plots there. The Breckinridges, the Morgans, and the Todds, and individuals such as author James Lane Allen and legendary UK basketball coach Adolph Rupp, all rest in peace at Lexington Cemetery.


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

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Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.