Hp laptop power button not turning on but it is still charging (2024)

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Hp laptop power button not turning on but it is still charging


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Hp laptop power button not turning on but it is still charging (3)


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Hp laptop power button not turning on but it is still charging (5)


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‎07-15-202407:30 AM

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I put the Hp laptop for 'update and shut down' option after doing my work. Then, I listened short beep sound for twice or thrice. Now from the morning the laptop is not turning on after pressing the power button. Still, it is charging. I tried to turn it on for many times but it failed. My laptop battery is not removable. Please help me. I have some urgent assignment and tests but I cannot on my laptop. Please help


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Hp laptop power button not turning on but it is still charging (7)

Hp laptop power button not turning on but it is still charging (8)Gaya1239

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‎07-16-202409:00 AM

Hp laptop power button not turning on but it is still charging (9) HP Recommended

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Welcome to the HP Support Community

I understand you are facing an issue with your HP Product. Not to worry I will help you to get a resolution to resolve the issue.

To assist better:

  • May I have the exact model name of the product? Refer to thisdocumentfor steps to find the product details. Do not share your personal information such as serial, phone number, email ID, etc.

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I hope this helps! Keep me posted.

Please click “Accepted Solution”if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.

Take care and have a good day.
Gaya1239 – HP Support.


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Hp laptop power button not turning on but it is still charging (10)

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    Hp laptop power button not turning on but it is still charging (2024)


    Hp laptop power button not turning on but it is still charging? ›

    Perform a hard reset. Disconnect all external devices, unplug the power adapter, and remove the battery if it's removable. Then, press and hold the power button for 15-20 seconds. Reconnect the power adapter and battery, then try turning it on again.

    Why won't my laptop turn on but it's charging? ›

    Causes of a Laptop Not Turning On

    These may include a problem with the power adapter, screen, battery, or even a faulty component on the motherboard. If you see an error message on the screen, make a note of it. These directions are for situations where the laptop doesn't power on at all (i.e., the screen is black).

    Why is my HP laptop not turning on but the power light? ›

    Well, the exact reason for the "HP laptop won't turn on but power light is on" is unknown. But some of the most common reasons causing the black laptop screen are listed below. A damaged or worn-out battery. A faulty OS or hardware component.

    How do I force my HP laptop to turn on? ›

    With the AC adapter unplugged, press and hold the power button for approximately 15 seconds. Reconnect the AC adapter, and then turn on the computer.

    Why is my HP laptop not turning on but is charging? ›

    Check the battery and charger for any damage and ensure they are connected properly. Try a different charger if available. Perform a hard reset by pressing and holding the power button for a few seconds to force shut down. Then, press and hold the refresh button and then click the power button.

    Why is my computer not turning on even though it's fully charged? ›

    If it is still not working, please try to plug in the computer using a different power source. If it still does not work, the problem could either be the charger or the battery on the computer. I would recommend that you take it to a local technician to have them check t physically.

    What causes HP laptop to not turn on? ›

    If your laptop or PC won't power on, a faulty power supply, failed hardware, or a malfunctioning screen could be to blame. If your device won't boot into Windows, you may have a hardware problem.

    Why my laptop is not responding to power button? ›

    Power issues may be caused due to faulty ac adapter or charger, faulty battery, frayed or damaged power cable, faulty power button, or a system board failure.

    Why is my computer not turning on when I press the power button? ›

    Step 1: Check Your Cables

    Make sure any surge protector or power strip is correctly plugged into the outlet, and that the power switch is on. Plug in other devices to the power strip and confirm they are operating properly. Double-check that your PC's power supply on/off switch is on.

    When I press the power button on my laptop, nothing happens.? ›

    To do this, unplug the laptop and remove the battery if possible. Then hold down the power button for 30 seconds before plugging it back in and turning it on again. If that doesn't work, it may be a hardware issue and you should bring it to a professional for repair.

    How to force restart an HP laptop? ›

    If your HP laptop has locked up (frozen), or you can't get it to restart using the above method, then you may need to force a restart. To do this, press and hold the physical power button and wait five to ten seconds. The computer will shut down and turn off entirely.

    How do I force my HP laptop to restart black screen? ›

    Disconnect all peripheral devices and cables connected to your computer. Make sure the computer is disconnected from power and remove the battery. Press and hold the power button for at least 15 seconds. Then reconnect the power, leaving the battery out of the computer, and restart your computer.

    What is the problem if laptop is not turning on? ›

    If your laptop won't turn on, then you may be dealing with a hardware or software-related issue. First, check the power cord of your laptop to make sure it is securely connected to both the laptop and the wall outlet. If that doesn't work, try removing the battery for one minute and replacing it.

    How to turn on HP laptop if power button not working? ›

    Step 1: Connect the HP laptop to a working power source using the adapter. Step 2: Press and hold the Windows + B keys simultaneously. Step 3: While performing step 2, please press and hold the Power button for 1 second. Step 4: Release all the keys and the power light should back on.

    Why wont my laptop turn on even if plugged in? ›

    The battery of your computer may be drained, or the AC adapter might be faulty or not properly connected. There could be an issue with the motherboard, RAM, or other internal components of your laptop. The laptop might be overheating, due to which it may shut down and need to cool down.

    When I press the power button on my computer, nothing happens.? ›

    If you're still getting absolutely nothing when you press the power button, look to see if your motherboard has any idle indicator lights to confirm that the motherboard is definitely receiving power. In fact, one possible way to test if a power supply is failing is to check the motherboard lights.


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    Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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    Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.